


Witnessing a Transformation in Haiti, One Woman at a Time

March 23, 2017

L-R: Mary Ellen Holohan, SNJM and Province CFO Vicki Cummings in Haiti.

The 34th General Chapter Acts call on the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary to both “open wide our doors” in welcome and to respond to those who beckon for others to come through their doors. A recent insight trip to Haiti with the microfinance institution Fonkoze provided an opportunity for two people from the SNJM family to encounter a powerful example of what happens when this call is put into action.

Mary Ellen Holohan, SNJM, who is part of the Sisters’ Congregational Leadership Team, and U.S.-Ontario Province Chief Financial Officer Vicki Cummings participated in the February trip organized by Fonkoze along with church groups from Florida, New York, Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia. In the region around Mirabelais, Haiti, they had an opportunity to meet several participants in a Fonkoze program designed to help ultra-poor women in rural areas become financially self-sufficient. Fonkoze  – its full name is Fondasyon Kole Zepòl, or the Shoulder-to-Shoulder Foundation –  is among the programs the Province supports through loans.

Using a process adapted from Bangladesh, Fonkoze leaders select a rural area and hold community meetings open to all. They identify women at the meetings who lack subsistence food and viable shelter. Each woman who agrees to join the 18-month program is visited weekly by a case manager, and for the first six months she receives a subsistence stipend. As soon as she can construct an enclosure, she is given goats or pigs as assets. Gradually, through the weekly meetings to assess the past week and plan the next week, these women are able to achieve minimal food security, to put concrete over their mud floors and tin roofs on their tiny homes, and have their livestock multiply. They also get together monthly with other women participating in the program in the same community.

“We had opportunities to meet women at varied stages in the program and their progress was tangible,” said Sister Mary Ellen. By the final months, the women had increased confidence, were able to send their children to school and had dreams of how they could become more self-sufficient through small commerce projects. Almost all of the managers and leaders of this program are Haitians who are deeply committed to rebuilding their nation one person at a time.

Fonkoze supports the program through donations. It costs $1,500 to support one woman through the entire process. Through its financial support, the SNJM U.S.-Ontario Province is a vital participant in the mission of Fonkoze and its multiple microfinancing projects in Haiti.  To learn more about Fonkoze, please visit their website at

Province Supports Interfaith Amicus Brief

March 1, 2017

The Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, U.S-Ontario Province Leadership Team recently joined an interfaith amicus brief supporting the case Darweesh v. Trump. The case challenges the President’s executive order of Jan. 27, which banned refugees coming from specified countries with predominant Muslim populations.

In keeping with the SNJM General Chapter Acts and Gospel value of “welcoming the stranger,” the Province joined over 50 interfaith groups in support of this case. Faith groups signing the brief include the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, Jewish Council on Urban Affairs, Massachusetts Council of Churches, African American Ministers Leadership and Catholic Charities Community Services, NY.

Here is the text of the Province statement in the brief: “We have great interest in this amicus brief because our values include welcoming and advocating for immigrants and refugees. Several of our Sisters and Associates work and volunteer with immigrants and refugees so we are familiar with the roadblocks and struggles they have to endure. We wish to be proactive in assisting and welcoming immigrants and refugees to the U.S.”

Click here to read the brief and see the organizations that support it.

Yakima Sisters and Associates Step Forward on Immigration

February 17, 2017

Sister Mary Ellen Robinson types as other Yakima Mission Centre members collaborate on the wording of their letter. The group included Terry Mullen, SNJM (in blue striped sweater), Blanca Bazaldua, Associate, Maureen O’Brien, Associate, Ann Dibble, Associate, Dalia Villareal, Associate (behind Ann), Bengie Aguilar, Associate, Marina Rose Parisi, SNJM, Mary Rita Rohde, SNJM (behind Mary Ellen), Mary Ellen Robinson, SNJM, Cecilia Chavez, Associate, Tom Gehlen, Associate. Photo credit: Charlyne Brown, SNJM.

A discussion around the dining room table at Kateri House in Toppenish, WA led to a decision by Yakima Mission Centre members to write to the bishop of Yakima about supporting immigrants and refugees. At their Feb. 11 meeting, five Sisters and seven Associates shared the energy they feel about advocating for migrants and refugees, which emerged as a major priority during the SNJM community’s 34th General Chapter in July 2016. Most of those at the meeting work and/or volunteer with immigrants, and all have immigrant neighbors, friends and extended family. In their letter to the bishop, the Yakima Mission Centre members quoted from the Acts of the 34th General Chapter and asked to meet with him to see how they can more effectively collaborate with him in current and future diocesan support for immigrants and refugees in the Yakima Diocese.

SNJM Statement on Executive Orders Barring Immigrants

February 8, 2017

As Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary of the U.S.-Ontario Province, a community of over 430 Catholic women religious, we were astounded to learn that refugees were being turned back and refused entry to the U.S., even though they had valid visas from our country. We join with other concerned citizens and members of many faiths in opposition to this action, since it is contrary to the values of our nation, our faith and our religious congregation.

The earliest members of our community – following Jesus’ message “I was a stranger and you welcomed me” – rescued Irish immigrant orphans abandoned at ports along the St. Lawrence River and housed them in their schools. Some Sisters in our congregation today in Canada and the U.S. sponsor or operate temporary homes, especially for women and families who are victims of economic or religious oppression, or refugees from war-torn countries throughout the world. Sisters in every large city where we are located are collaborating with others in local programs to assist refugees and immigrants as they become acclimated to a new home, a new country. Some of our Sisters are refugees themselves; most of our members are children of immigrants. We reverence the Muslim women, their families and their stories when they join with us at various holidays.

Pope Francis has reminded us recently of the connection between the migration crisis and human trafficking. This is an added concern for us, since anti-trafficking education and action have been a significant aspect of our ministry for the past 10 years. At our 2016 General Chapter, we recommitted ourselves “to partner with immigrants, refugees and indigenous people to resist racism, advocate for human rights and create welcoming communities.”

We pray for the safety of this country and invite persons of all faiths, people committed to justice, to join with us in prayer and action for a just and reasonable resolution to this unacceptable refusal to accept and welcome these immigrants displaced from their home countries by such violent and unjust oppression. They, too, have a right to safety and care.

Holy Names Sisters Show Solidarity Through Women’s March

January 27, 2017

Sisters of the Holy Names poured out messages of love, welcome and inspiration at historic Women’s March activities throughout the U.S. and beyond last weekend.

In Washington, DC, Sisters prayed with women religious from other communities at St. Peter’s Church before heading out to march among family members, friends, alumnae of their schools and many new faces as part of the largest march in the nation. The group included Sisters Kathleen Keller, Jo’Ann De Quattro, Frankie Barber, Maureen Delaney, Barbara Spears, Carroll Ann Kemp, Ann Marean, Teresa Shields, Pat Corbey and Associate candidate Sheila Wooters. Also in the U.S. capital for the massive march were students and staff from Holy Names High School, founded as an SNJM institution in Oakland, CA in 1868.

The Sisters embraced the chance to find common ground and connect with countless people from different locations and cultural backgrounds.

“I was so grateful to be together with a large group of women I did not know, with a wide range of issues, and have the opportunity to share and respond with each other,” said Sister Barbara Spears. “It wasn’t just a feel-good experience.”

Sister Kathleen Hilton marched with three generations of her family, two of whom who are SNJM school alumnae: her sisters Judith Brusseau and Mary Hilton, her niece Rebecca Brusseau and her grandniece Ariel. Flying to the capital from the West Coast was a unique experience, Sister Kathleen added. “Mostly, all flights were filled and the passengers were at least 60% women. The good spirits and easy collective presence that marked the Saturday march was evident on airplanes and in the airports.”

In Oakland, CA, Sister Rosemary Delaney marched with a SNJM group that included Sisters Cynthia Canning, Rosemary Delaney, Diane Enos (with her sister from Hawaii), Carol Nicklas, Barbara Nixon, Dianne Nixon, Sophia Park, Mary Sullivan and Associate Rosemary Brennan.

“It was exhilarating to be in the midst of people of all ages and ethnicities – 100,000 strong by the final Oakland Police Department count – standing and walking together for the values we hold as Americans,” said Sister Rosemary. “There were children in strollers and on their parents’ shoulders, seniors and others in wheelchairs, families with multiple generations marching together, signs and placards, proclaiming respect, solidarity and determination. It was historic and thrilling!”

Elsewhere in the Bay Area, the SNJM community was represented in the march held in San Jose, CA by Sisters Kathryn Ondreyco, Rosemary Everett, Fran Kearney and Mary Becker as well as SNJM staff member Alicia Puppione and members of her family. Sister Mary Haupt marched with Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Bette Gambonini, Elizabeth Avalos and Marilyn Wilson. SNJM Associate Ann Rice went to the event wearing a T-shirt with a Zen quotation “to promote peace, equality, inclusivity and compassion.”

In Portland, OR, Sister Guadalupe Guajardo, a member of the U.S.-Ontario Province Leadership Team, marched with the group No Limits for Women, demonstrating solidarity in the face of discrimination and threats based on racial identity. “As women of the global majority, we held up signs that read ‘What type of world would we be if racism and sexism did not decide us?’” she said. “It was one way to invite all of us to a bigger possibility.”

Sister Barbara Raymond also marched in Portland alongside a large contingent from Adelante Mujeres, an SNJM-supported organization committed to education and human rights for immigrants.

Some others went to their local march individually or in small groups, like Associate Delphine Busch and Sisters Judith Mayer and Mary Ann Farley in Portland, Associate Ann Dibble in Yakima, WA, Associate Chris Hillman in Seattle, and Sisters Cathy Beckley and Peggy Kennedy in McMinnville, OR. A few people ran into each other by happenstance; others simply joined the nearest marchers.

“I could see people streaming over the bridges to join the march. It was uplifting to be with so many peaceful and committed people. I walked with neighbors. It is only the beginning of the work ahead,” said Sister Linda Patrick, who marched in Portland. “I know others who could not walk, but were with us in spirit.”

Elsewhere in Oregon, Sister Arnadene Bean and her niece marched in the coastal community of Astoria, with thousands of people from “all races, sexual orientation, ages, abilities… People were very happy and helpful to each other and there was delightful creativity in clothing and signs. A loving spirit engulfed the whole of the experience.”

Meanwhile, Sister Mary Pat Naumes and a friend marched alongside about 8,000 Southern Oregonians in Ashland, OR. To the north, Sister Anne Bosserman, Associate Yvonne Lopez-Morton and Associate Sally Duffy carried a banner in the Spokane, WA march. In Seattle, WA, Holy Names Academy faculty and students held a sign-making party before heading out to join an estimated 175,000 marchers, reported Associate Julie Tilghman, HNA Campus Minister.

Sister Susan Maloney noted that her late mother, Vera Gaeta Maloney, who graduated from Oakland’s Holy Names High School in 1936 and sent all five of her daughters there, was an inspiration to her during the march. In fact, the five Maloney sisters honored the spirit of women’s education and of SNJM foundress Blessed Mother Marie Rose Durocher as all took part in the march in different parts of the world. Sister Susan and Nancy Maloney marched in Oakland, CA, Kathy Maloney in Las Vegas, NV, Mary Anne Maloney-West in San Francisco, CA and Joanne Maloney-Chiarelli in Bologna, Italy.

In Florida, Holy Names Sisters and Associates teamed up with faculty and friends from the Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa to participate in the march. Among them were Sister Mariellen Blaser, Associate Pat Torres, Associate candidate Sharon West, retired AHN Spanish teacher Alice Newell, Associate Cecilia Vargas, Associate Maureen Raimo, Sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Lisa Perkowski, who heads the AHN art department, Sister Dolores Wehle and Jennifer Perrella, a graduate whose mother is Associate Judy Perrella.

Sister Kathleen Callaway, President of Ramona Convent Secondary School in Southern California, reached out to the schools alumnae on social media, asking those on Facebook where they had marched. About two dozen responded, with results ranging from both coasts of the U.S. to Barcelona, Spain.

Sister Donna Hortsch, in the midst of recovering from the flu and contending with wintery weather, found a way to participate and share the spirit of the march with others without even going outdoors. She put up a sign at the SNJM-founded retirement center of Mary’s Woods south of Portland. “I found that many were interested but hesitant to go into town or march outside,” she said. “We had about 30 people, including many men. We met at end of the main hall in the Sandpiper room and marched to fireplace in new resident lounge… We used women’s great power of silence.” Some carried signs shared by Sister Jo’Ann De Quattro that Sister Donna downloaded and printed; others made their own.

Many Sisters and Associates found other ways to support the march, either by donating funds to help those who attended or praying for them. During the day of women’s marches throughout the world, both small and large acts of solidarity brought the SNJM community together, looking to the future with faith and conviction.

Women's March San Jose, CA

Mary Haupt, SNJM, Bette Gambonini, BVM, Elizabeth Avalos, BVM, Marilyn Wilson, BVM and Kate Ondreyco, SNJM. Also attending the San Jose March were Rosemary Everett, SNJM, Fran Kearney, SNJM, Mary Becker, SNJM and staff member Alicia Puppione with her family.

Barbara Spears, SNJM reads before the March in Washington, DC.

Barbara Spears, SNJM reading at gathering the night before the March for nonviolent participants.

Gathering at St. Peter's Church before the March, Washington DC

St. Peter’s Church gathering prior to March. L-R: Kathleen Keller, SNJM, Jo’Ann De Quattro, SNJM, enthusiastic unknown marcher, Frankie Barber, SNJM, Maureen Delaney, SNJM, Barbara Spears, SNJM, Carroll Ann Kemp, SNJM, Sheila Wooters, Associate candidate, Ann Marean, SNJM, Teresa Shields, SNJM, Pat Corbey, SNJM.

Women's March in Washington, DC

Barbara Spears, SNJM, Teresa Shields, SNJM and Jo’Ann De Quattro, SNJM.

Women's March in Washington, DC

Barbara Spears, SNJM and Teresa Shields, SNJM.

Women's March in Washington, DC

L-R: Sheila Wooters, Associate candidate, Carroll Ann Kemp, SNJM and Pat Corbey, SNJM.

Women's March in Washington DC

Jo’Ann De Quattro, Teresa Shields, Barbara Spears and Maureen Delaney

Big Screen view at the Women's March in Washington, DC

On the screen is Simone Campbell, SSS. This was as close as Maureen Delaney, SNJM, Teresa Shields, SNJM, Barbara Spears, SNJM and Jo’Ann De Quattro, SNJM got to the rally. Thanks to Barbara’s determination that those of us who came from a distance should at least get close enough to see this much. We stood here from 10 a.m. to just before 3 p.m. We were unable to move from our spot until the rally ended, then we were able to march. We never saw the other people who were part of our group until we met at a predetermined restaurant in Silver Spring!

Students at the Women's March in Washington, DC

Students at the Women’s March.

HNHS Students at the Women's March in Washington, DC

Holy Names High School students at the Women’s March in Washington, DC.

HNHS Students at the Women's March in Washington, DC

Holy Names High School students with Frankie Barber, SNJM (at far right) at the Women’s March in Washington, DC.

Teresa Shields, SNJM at the Women's March, Washington, DC

Maureen Delaney, SNJM at the Women's March, Washington, DC

Maureen Delaney, SNJM

Maureen Delaney, SNJM and Jo'Ann De Quattro, SNJM at the Women's March in Washington, DC

Maureen Delaney, SNJM and Jo’Ann De Quattro, SNJM.

Three generations of Hiltons March in Washington, DC

Kathleen Hilton, SNJM marched as part of a three-generation Hilton family delegation at the Women’s March on Washington, DC. L-R: Sr. Kathleen, Judith Brusseau (HNA ’69), Mary Hilton (HNA ’64), niece Rebecca Brusseau and grand-niece Ariel on her father’s shoulders.

Women's March San Jose, CA

Ann Rice, Associate was proud to participate in the San Jose march with so many others. As an Associate and Buddhist priest, this is a picture of the t shirt she wore, to promote peace, equality, inclusivity and compassion.

Women's March in McMinnville, OR

Mary Ann Farley, SNJM at the Women's March in Portland, OR

Mary Ann Farley, SNJM and marchers.

A Favorite Sign at the Women's March in Portland, OR

We Make America Great.

Frodo Okulam, Associate at the Women's March in Portland, OR

Frodo Okulam, Associate at the Women’s March in Portland, OR.

Adelante Mujeres marchers in Portland, OR

Adelante Mujeres marchers in Portland, OR. Barbara Raymond, SNJM second from left in red coat.

Adelante Mujeres marchers in Portland, OR

Adelante Mujeres marchers in Portland, OR.

Adelante Mujeres marchers in Portland, OR

Holy Redeemer teacher marches in Portland, OR

Linda Brunner, on far left, was a teacher at Holy Redeemer.

Portland Marchers

The view Linda Patrick, SNJM saw near downtown Portland’s waterfront, just before the people began to move. She could see people streaming over the bridges to join the march.
“It was uplifting to be with so many peaceful and committed people. I walked with neighbors. It is only the beginning of the work ahead.”
–Linda Patrick, SNJM

HNA Students Preparing for the Women's March in Seattle

Holy Names Academy, Seattle students preparing for the Women’s March.

HNA Students Preparing for the Women's March in Seattle

Holy Names Academy, Seattle students prepare for the Women’s March.

Women's March in Seattle

Holy Names Academy, Seattle students at march.

Women's March in Seattle

Holy Names Academy, Seattle students at march.

Women's March in Seattle

Crowd at Seattle’s march.

Women's March in Spokane, WA

Anne Bosserman, SNJM, Associates Yvonne Lopez-Morton and Sally Duffy.

Women's March in Spokane, WA

Anne Bosserman, SNJM, Associates Yvonne Lopez-Morton and Sally Duffy.

Indigenous People Represented in Spokane March

The Spokane March, which Karen Conlin, SNJM participated, was led by indigenous people. The men have the amazing head dresses, but there were mostly native women leading.

Marchers in Spokane, WA

Women's March in Tampa, FL

From left to right: Pat Torres, me, Sharon West, Alice Newell (retired AHN Spanish teacher), Cecilia Vargas, Maureen Raimo, and Lisa Perkowski, IHM, head of the AHN art department. Dolores Wehle and Jennifer Perrella (a grad and daughter of Associate Judy Perrella) were also there.

Women's March at Mary's Woods, OR

Women’s March at Mary’s Woods, OR

Women's March at Mary's Woods, OR

Women’s March at Mary’s Woods, OR

Women's March at Mary's Woods, OR

Women’s March at Mary’s Woods, OR

HNHS Maloney "girls" March in Bologna, Italy

Joanne Maloney Chiarelli (HNHS 1971) marched in Bologna, Italy where she lives with her family. She teaches at the University of Bologna. She is chair of Democrats Abroad committee in Bologna, Italy and is a strong advocate for women’s rights.

HNHS Maloney "girls" in Las Vegas

Kathy Maloney (HNHS ’60) (HNU’64) in Las Vegas, NV at the Women’s March Jan, 21, 2017. Her first teaching assignment was with the SNJMs at Our Lady of Lourdes in Oakland CA and went on to teach and be principal in the Oakland public schools for 20 years.

HNHS Maloney "girls" in San Francisco

Mary Anne Maloney-West (HNHS ’70) marching San Francisco.

HNHS Maloney "girls" march in Oakland, CA

L-R: front row Susan Maloney, SNJM (HNHS ’65) Nancy Maloney (HNHS ’63),
Brother in law Bob, niece Seraphina and friend Lynore

Women's March in Oakland, CA

Barbara Nixon, SNJM, friendly marchers, Dianne Nixon, SNJM.

Women's March in Oakland, CA

Sophia Park, SNJM with some Holy Names University students and faculty.

Four Sisters Prepare for Next ‘Adventure’ of Leading SNJM Congregation

December 29, 2016

(L-R): Sisters Kathleen Ross, Linda Haydock, Mary Ellen Holohan and Lorna Cooney.

As 2016 draws to an end, four Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) prepare to begin a leadership term that may bring some of the most significant changes in the history of the 173-year-old religious community. Last July, representatives from all SNJM provinces and sectors gathered in Cornwall, Ontario just outside Quebec Province for the community’s 34th General Chapter. The Chapter is a special convocation the Sisters hold every five years to prayerfully choose new leaders and make major decisions about their future direction and organizational structure. As part of that process, the new Congregational Leadership Team was named. Sister Linda Haydock of Seattle, WA will serve as Congregational Leader, in partnership with three councilors: Sister Lorna Cooney of Dorval, Quebec, Sister Mary Ellen Holohan of Portland, OR and Sister Kathleen Ross of Yakima, WA. They will take office on Jan. 1, 2017 and serve through the end of 2021. The General Chapter theme, “An Adventure with the Spirit,” seems likely to remain at the center of the Sisters’ ongoing challenge to themselves to listen for God’s voice and live out their mission in their own time. As Gospel women committed to the full development of the human person, they seek to continually renew their engagement with the needs of the world as well as to make wise choices about their own health care and living arrangements as they age. Sister Linda is a well-respected social justice advocate. As the founding executive director of the Seattle-based Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center, she has ministered on behalf of people on the margins of society. IPJC is a partnership of religious communities that challenges corporations to change unjust practices, advocates for sustainable water resources, seeks to end human trafficking, facilitates empowering action by low-income women through Women’s Justice Circles and fosters opportunities for young adults to gather for justice, spirituality and community building. Sister Linda has nurtured IPJC’s growth as a community-building force for systemic change for economic, racial and environmental justice. She is the recipient of the 2016 Archbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen Humanitarian Award. Sister Lorna has worked for many years to promote understanding of the SNJM charism, which is God’s unique gift to the Sisters of the Holy Names to share with the world. She is bilingual and bi-cultural as a native of French-speaking Montreal, Quebec. In addition to serving three prior terms in SNJM Congregational leadership, Sister Lorna heads the Charism Office and is the creator of “Pilgrimage of the Heart,” a retreat experience based on the life of Blessed Marie Rose Durocher and the sacred sites of the religious community she founded. Sister Mary Ellen is returning to Congregational leadership after ministering for 10 years on the U.S.-Ontario Province Leadership Team, including five years as Provincial leader. Previously, she served as a member of the Congregational Leadership Team and was chosen as its first presiding leader from the United States. Within the Province, her ministries have ranged from outreach to the elderly and sick in a low-income parish to resource and infrastructure management, always working to support the goals of the Congregation. As founding President of Heritage University, Sister Kathleen is nationally known as a leader in higher education, especially in the field of cross-cultural communication. As provost of Fort Wright College in Spokane, WA in the 1970s, she built partnerships with the people of the Yakima Nation and initiated new opportunities for rural, minority and low-income students to gain four-year college degrees. Her work has been recognized by numerous awards, including the 1989 Harold McGraw Prize in education, the 1991 John Carroll Award from Georgetown University and the 1995 State of Washington Medal of Merit. In 1997, she was selected as a MacArthur Foundation Fellow, also known as the “Genius Grant.”

LCWR Region 15 Meeting Focuses on Justice and Feeding the Hungry

October 28, 2016

The U.S.-Ontario Province Leadership Team attends the LCWR Region 15 meetings, which happen twice a year. Last week’s meeting in Yakima, WA featured canon lawyer Sharon Holland, IHM and Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center (IPJC) Executive Director Linda Haydock, SNJM (Seattle).

Sr. Linda provided a new process booklet for faith sharing called “Privilege and Periphery: Risking Transformation,” which is based on the resolution passed by the 2016 LCWR Assembly regarding systemic injustice. For copies of this reflection process booklet, contact IPJC at

In keeping with the organization’s justice priorities, LCWR members including Mary Rita Rohde, SNJM (pictured at far right) set aside time to make 200 sandwiches to give to homeless people in Yakima.

Motherhouse Road Trip with the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary

October 20, 2016
Two Sisters of the Holy Names will be interviewed online on Friday, Oct. 21 when A Nun’s Life Ministry brings its traveling podcast to Campbell, CA. You can join the hosts, Sisters Julie Vieira and Maxine Kollasch, for the live webcast and ask questions of the guest Sisters – Cynthia Canning, SNJM and Sally Gunn, SNJM. During the webcast, Martha Rolley, SNJM, will help take comments and questions from the online community in the chat room and bring them into the on-air conversation.Sister Cynthia Canning has ministered in education and SNJM leadership. She began as an elementary school teacher, juggling two grades in the same classroom. She later served as a high school teacher and principal. She was then called to SNJM leadership, serving six years each in the roles of Director of Ministry and Provincial. In 1994, Sister Cynthia along with SNJM Sisters Rosemary Delaney and Margaret Kennedy founded Next Step Learning Center. The community-based nonprofit continues to assist Oakland-area youth and adults who are seeking to earn their high school equivalency, transition to college, and build better lives.

Sister Sally Gunn has served in a variety of ministries. A much-loved junior high classroom teacher, she taught in southern California schools for over 20 years. She served for more than a decade at Our Lady of Grace Parish in Encino, where she worked with the Rite of Catholic Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process and other aspects of parish life. Sister Sally has served in provincial leadership and other roles within the SNJM congregation. She was a key member of the planning team that guided the merging of five provinces of SNJM into the present U.S.-Ontario Province.

A Nun’s Life Ministry was founded by Sisters Julie and Maxine in 2006. This online faith community and nonprofit ministry reaches out with a pastoral presence to thousands of people worldwide each day. The website at is a place where you can talk with Catholic sisters and nuns and lots of other people on topics such as spirituality, prayer, community, ministry, and more.


How to tune in 
New to podcasts and chat rooms? Find all the details here for how to tune in to the podcast and use the chatroom.

How to hear a recording of the podcast
An audio recording of the podcast will be available in the podcast player below a few days after the livestream. You can also have the podcast sent to you as soon as it’s posted by subscribing on iTunes (click on the “iTunes Subscribe” icon on any podcast page) or getting the A Nun’s Life app. Click here for full details about recorded podcasts.

Justice Network Members Walk for Peace

October 17, 2016
Members of the U.S.-Ontario Justice Network met the weekend of Oct. 7-9. Sister Linda Haydock conducted a workshop focusing on “We Call Ourselves to More” drawn from the Prologue to the Acts of the 34th General Chapter.
Mission Centre representatives who attended the meeting committed themselves to further education on human trafficking, water and the environment and the plight of immigrants and refugees. They also pledged to collaborate more purposefully to advocate for others and to promote concrete action as appropriate in their respective regions.
A Peace Walk for Justice took place Saturday afternoon. The procession of Justice Network members and guests visited the Peace Pole at Mary’s Woods, the Marylhurst Labyrinth, the Marylhurst University Peace Pole, the Our Lady of Marylhurst shrine and finally the Peace Pole at the U.S.-Ontario Province office. Sister Margaret Ball led the peace walk participants in a prayerful chant during the closing ritual.

Photo Gallery: Feast of Blessed Marie Rose Across the Province 2016

October 14, 2016
You’re invited to enjoy this photo gallery of celebrations for Feast of Blessed Marie Rose across the Province. 

Albany, NY Gathering

Eileen Kelleher, SNJM, Phyllis D’Antonio, Associate, Marilyn Marx, SNJM and friend of the community Mary Ann Conway wait to welcome Sisters, Associates and friends to the celebration in honor of Mother Marie Rose.


Albany, NY Prayer Service

Giovannina Saleeby, SNJM and Marilyn Marx, SNJM spend some reflection time during the prayer service. In the background are Eileen Fitzgerald, SNJM, Mary Elizabeth Lagoy, SNJM, friend of the community Mary Ann Conway and Joan Byrne, SNJM.


Marylhurst, OR Pie Social

The Sisters at Mary’s Woods in Marylhurst, OR celebrated the Feast of Blessed Marie Rose with a pie social. From left: Barbara Land, SNJM, Annette Covatta, SNJM and Mary Bertoli, SNJM. (Photo courtesy of Virginia Schroeder, SNJM.)


Mid-Atlantic Dinner Gathering

Sisters in the Mid-Atlantic Mission Centre were able to gather for supper to celebrate the Feast of Blessed Mother Marie Rose. From left: Frankie Barber, SNJM, Eileen Dunn, SNJM, Kathleen Keller, SNJM, Kathleen Griffin, SNJM, Mary Ann Dunn, SNJM, Virginia Dunn, SNJM. (Photo courtesy of Molia Sieh, SNJM.)


Seattle, WA Celebration at Holy Names Academy

Sisters and Associates joined the Holy Names Academy, Seattle community on Oct. 11 at St. Joseph’s Church to celebrate Mother Marie Rose. Students who volunteered in Jonestown, MS last summer shared highlights of their service that deepened their appreciation of education and their understanding of social justice issues.


Seattle, WA Celebration

In addition to the celebration, HNA hosted a lunch for the guests, student volunteers and faculty in the spirit of Mother Marie Rose’s hospitality. This event was arranged through the initiative of the HNA Charism Committee under the leadership of Julie Tilghman, campus minister.


Presentation on Mother Marie Rose in Salem, OR

Marilyn Schoeder, SNJM made a presentation about Mother Marie Rose and the SNJM charism to students at St. Joseph School in Salem, OR, where she is a teacher.


Windsor, Ontario Eucharist

Sisters and Associates gathered at the Devonshire residential center in Windsor, Ontario for a Eucharistic celebration led by Fr. Joe Quinn, CSB. Pat Parachini, SNJM (Mid-Atlantic), who was at Devonshire leading a retreat, was the homilist and spoke of Mother Marie Rose as a contemplative in action, a theme in keeping with the retreat.


Yakima, WA Mass

Sisters and Associates of the Yakima Valley Mission Centre celebrated the feast of Blessed Marie Rose with a special Mass in the backyard of the home of Associates Cecilia Chavez, her husband Daniel and their daughter Elizabeth. L-R: Elizabeth Ortega, Associate, Marina Rose Parisi, SNJM, Deacon Bernie Alvarado, Fr. Jorge Granados and Irma de Prieto, Associate.


Oakland, CA Song from East Bay Mission Centre

East Bay Sisters and Associates sand a song while gathered at Mercy Center in Oakland to celebrate the Feast of Mother Rose. Watch a video of the singing by clicking on the word “View” below.