


SNJM Launches Holy Names Educational Ministries

October 3, 2024

SNJM is celebrating the launch of Holy Names Educational Ministries, a new organization led by Sisters and Catholic lay colleagues to continue the sponsorship of SNJM schools across the United States. SNJM member schools are:

Academy of the Holy Names in Albany, New York
Academy of the Holy Names in Tampa, Florida
Holy Names Academy in Seattle, Washington
Holy Names High School in Oakland, California
Holy Names Music Center in Spokane, Washington
Next Step Learning Center in Oakland, California
Ramona Convent Secondary School in Alhambra, California
St. Mary’s Academy in Portland, Oregon

Holy Names Educational Ministries (HNEM) will ensure a strong and mission-focused future for our beloved schools.

Click here to read the press release from Holy Names Educational Ministries.

For more information, you can visit the new website for HNEM: click here to visit the HNEM website.

The Holy Names Educational Ministries board. (L-R) Front row: Sisters Cynthia Canning, Marcia Frideger, Margaret Kennedy, and Maureen Delaney. Back row: Arthur Raimo, Elizabeth Swift, Mary Mansell, Lynne Kennedy Mullen and Gregory Schopf. Not pictured: Sister Linda Patrick.

Affordable Housing Finds a Home

July 1, 2024

Mercy Greenbrae Apartments on the Marylhurst campus in Lake Oswego, Oregon.

Facing the future site of Mercy Greenbrae, Sisters of the Holy Names stood up, extended their hands and joined Sister Linda Patrick in a blessing for the land.

“God, we thank you for the wonder and beauty of this land. We bless it now and into the future. Fill it with community, laughter, love and all good things. Amen.”
-Sister Linda Patrick

Sisters of the Holy Names bless the land at the future site of Mercy Greenbrae.

Sisters and community leaders spoke at the November 2022 groundbreaking ceremony for the affordable housing project, celebrating the fruitful collaboration that led to plans for the first secured affordable multi-family housing ever to be constructed in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Speakers shared their dreams for the project—dreams coming true 18 months later as people move into Mercy Greenbrae at Marylhurst Commons.

When Marylhurst University closed in 2018, the campus reverted to the Sisters of the Holy Names. The looming question, what could be done with this beautiful campus to help meet a need? Guided by their core value of service to the community, the Sisters discerned their next steps.

Over the following months, members of the SNJM Provincial Leadership Team met in focus groups with Sisters, community members and Marylhurst University alumni and former staff. The passion and excitement this process generated wasn’t a surprise— people cared about the health of their community and recognized the great opportunity at hand. Leadership team member Sister Maureen Delaney said, “Many people had lots of ideas of what could happen on this campus. But one theme kept coming up in every group. The people said, ‘Housing. We need housing. We need housing for people with fewer financial resources.’”

The need has been growing in the Lake Oswego area and across Oregon for years. The 2005 final report from Lake Oswego’s Affordable Housing Task Force established the official need for more housing development, but formal recommendations for action were never realized. A 2022 report from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development determined that Oregon has a supply gap of 140,000 homes to meet the needs of the state’s population.

With the core community need of housing identified, SNJM’s leadership team established a partnership with Mercy Housing, an organization founded in 1981 by six religious communities to address the needs of low-income families. Creating over 48,000 homes since their founding, including residences for over 5,000 people in Washington and California, the Marylhurst property would be their first development in Oregon.

In line with the values of Mercy and SNJM, construction on the 100 units of affordable housing began with a focus on sustainable development. Mercy Greenbrae will use 40% less energy than a conventional building and will be fully electric, not relying on any fossil fuels for heating. But the work is not done when the building is complete.

Sister Maureen Delaney visits with sustainable development consultants.

“It’s not just the home. We also use housing as a platform,” explained Mercy’s Director of Resident Services Katie Parker on an episode of SNJM’s “Women on a Mission” podcast. Residents of the new building have access to health and wellness services as well as tutoring programs. About Mercy’s work to support residents, Sister Linda Patrick said, “Their profound commitment to providing a warm and welcoming home for individuals and families permeates and guides all they do.”

The journey that led the Sisters to Mercy Greenbrae affirms their commitment to service. Residents moving into Greenbrae are bringing new life to the Marylhurst campus. As Sister Linda’s blessing acknowledged, new residents now share in the wonder and beauty of the land.


Sister Maureen Delaney and Sister Linda Patrick participate in a hard hat tour during construction.

Ministry in Action: Serving the Margins

June 25, 2024

We are spotlighting ministries and initiatives dedicated to social justice outreach. Below we highlight the profound impact of Angela Rose House and Oak House, an embodiment of the SNJM commitment to providing shelter and support for refugees in need, sponsored by the U.S.-Ontario Province since 2008. Alongside this remarkable ministry, we share insights into five impactful programs that have recently received SNJM Ministry Grant funding. Our Ministry Grants extend financial support to organizations across Canada, the U.S. and beyond. Each grant is a testament to the dedication of Sisters and Associates whose passions align with the Charism, Chapter Acts and Corporate Stands of the SNJM community.


Angela Rose House and Oak House: Windsor, Ontario

Residents of Angela Rose House enjoy a Christmas meal.

In Canada lies a beacon of hope and refuge in the form of Angela Rose House and Oak House. These sanctuaries in Windsor, Ontario, are not just shelters, but havens where over 320 refugees from 43 countries and five continents have found solace, support and new beginnings. Individuals fleeing war, injustice and persecution discover a community of compassion as they learn about Canada and navigate the governmental systems to become residents. “For us, it matters how much love and care we give them,” shared Ilda Demir, coordinator of the homes, on an episode of SNJM’s “Women on a Mission” podcast.


Family Promise of the Capital Region: Albany, NY

Sister Grace Diaz with two Family Promise of the Capital Region youth.

Family Promise of the Capital Region provides shelter for homeless families and those at risk of becoming homeless. The program supports those families as they work toward permanent housing and employment. Sister Grace Diaz says, “One thing I love about Family Promise is that it keeps the families together, unlike other programs that separate the dads from the mothers and children. Homeless families from the area can have their children continue in their same schools. They even find care for pets, so families can be reunited once they have ‘graduated’ to their own homes.”


St. Vincent de Paul, St. Matthew Conference: Seattle, WA

St. Matthew Conference “Lunches of Love” ready to be distributed to those without cooking facilities.

In the heart of Seattle, where dense housing is prevalent, the St. Matthew Conference of St. Vincent de Paul is a resource for those facing economic hardship. As apartment complexes that include low-income housing multiply, so do the requests for assistance from individuals grappling with the impact of job loss and an inflationary economy. The St. Matthew Conference offers person-to-person service to all in need, regardless of circumstances. As Sister Teresa Shields shares, “We give direct service, but we also give a listening ear.” The conference’s commitment to its mission ensures that the most vulnerable members of the community receive the support and compassion they deserve.


Vine Life Ministries – The Salt Mine Program: Lincoln, CA

SNJM Associate Stephanie Friedrich displays the fresh linens and clothing available at the Salt Mine’s shower facility.

With a multifaceted approach to outreach, The Salt Mine program offers a range of support to individuals and families facing hardship. Through their shower and laundry facilities, they not only meet basic hygiene needs, but also affirm the worth and dignity of the local homeless population by offering them a place of refuge. Salt Mine’s food pantry serves approximately 13,000 people per month. SNJM Associate Stephanie Friedrich says “By taking care of our marginalized in society, we get to treat human beings with dignity, honor and respect.” Aligned with the SNJM core values of dedication to justice, commitment to liberating action and hospitality, Salt Mine strives to be a catalyst for positive change in the community.


Shelters for Hope: Sonoyta, Mexico

The Shelters of Hope building provides a welcome sight for migrants and refugees.

In the desert of Mexico, where temperatures soar and hope often feels like a mirage, there exists a place of compassion, Shelters For Hope. Founded by individuals whose goal was simply to do their part in helping migrants and refugees, Shelters for Hope provides support to those at the U.S.-Mexico border. Sister Sharon Francis says, “Why do I support Shelters of Hope? Because their focus on people in need of asylum lifts my spirit… in a way that I feel I am contributing and extending our foundress’s and our community’s vision and charism.” Offering food, clothing, showers, basic medical care and a safe place to rest, Shelters for Hope is committed to upholding the inherent dignity of every individual.


Pastoral da Criança (Children’s Pastoral): Brazil

The Children’s Pastoral logo is familiar to many families across Brazil.

“Mother Marie-Rose believed that educating women could promote transformations in society. I also believe that working with mothers can bring life with more abundance for their children,” shares Sister Agnes Hoy. Children’s Pastoral in Southern Brazil extends this vision by walking alongside mothers and their children, right in the comfort of their homes. Dedicated volunteers who are part of the community make regular visits to families, offering guidance, encouragement and practical resources to foster healthier lifestyles. Central to their efforts are food baskets, provided to encourage families to participate in monthly family meetings, where they facilitate discussions, share resources and build a network of support.

Providing Safe Housing for Families in Los Angeles

June 7, 2024

Since 1996, Alexandria House (AH) in Los Angeles, California has provided safe and supportive housing for women and children who are in the process of moving from emergency shelters to economic stability and permanent housing.

Central to this ministry are the programs that support this dramatic change from shelter living to independent living in the context of community. AH reaches out to the broader neighborhood community by providing educational and enrichment opportunities for neighbors as well as residents. AH consciously and practically creates a cross-cultural environment that is anti-racist and promotes the values of mutuality, dignity and respect.

AH has a proven record of transitioning women and families. When families leave Alexandria House for secure permanent housing, they are economically stable. The staff continues to provide ongoing support to help them thrive and remain in their own homes, and 92% of the families remain in permanent housing.

Former resident Jamese Banks summarizes her experience this way: “As a child, I was aware of homelessness but did not experience it. Later in my life because of job complications, I became one of the unhoused women in Los Angeles. I found Alexandria House and my life turned around. Being among other residents, mothers and staff members pushed me into being my best self. We are resilient women.”

Through the years, three religious communities and many generous individuals donated to repair buildings and support programs, and several became a ministry of presence. The Immaculate Heart Community purchased the first house; Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet Judy Vaughan is the director; and Holy Names Sisters Anna Keim and Susan Maloney provide ministry support in a variety of ways.

Alexandria House

Holy Names Sisters Susan Maloney and Anna Keim with Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet Judy Vaughan.

Several years ago, Sister Anna created an annual “Homelessness Solidarity Retreat” that takes place during a weekend at Ramona Convent Secondary School. Each year, Sister Judy brings a woman who has experienced homelessness to share stories with the girls on the retreat. The students sleep overnight in cardboard boxes in the English courtyard. The next day, they serve meals at shelters, including Alexandria House.

Next door to the original AH is the Immaculate Heart Community residence. Many of these apartments house AH women as they transition to independent living. Sister Susan, whose office is in this building, has developed friendships with the women through conversation and listening, giving emotional and spiritual support as part of her ministry. Sister Susan also provides clothing and general help when needed.

Holy Names Sisters in Southern California provide support in many ways. For example, AH received a grant from the Province Pandemic Relief Fund to provide financial support to families experiencing hardship due to the Covid crisis, especially with food, hygiene items, emergency support and childcare. Through the initiative of Sisters Jo’Ann De Quattro and Jennie Lechtenberg, AH also received funds from the Province to support the purchase of an additional building.

Sisters see collaboration with Alexandria House as an extension of the SNJM ministry and commitment to women, children and immigrants.

SNJM Endorses Joint Statement on the Conflict in Israel and Gaza

“A Call for Peace in the Middle East: A Joint Statement on the Conflict in Israel and Gaza” was published on Feb. 14 on the Archdiocese of Seattle website. We, the Leadership Team of the Sisters of the Holy Names U.S.-Ontario Province, along with leaders from women’s religious communities and several Bishops in the Northwest, endorse this statement.

A Call for Peace in the Middle East

A Joint Statement on the Conflict in Israel and Gaza

A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children;
she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no more.
(Jeremiah 31:15)

The leaders of the women’s religious communities in the Northwest, along with several Bishops in the Northwest are deeply troubled by the escalating war between Israel and Hamas after the horrifying attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023.

We deplore the violence of the Hamas attack against Israel, just as we deplore the disproportionate violence against Palestinians in Gaza with months of indiscriminate bombing by Israeli forces — all while medical and humanitarian assistance are withheld from innocent civilians.

More recently, the widening of the conflict, as additional nations from the Middle East and the West become involved, is of great concern. Besides the terrifying destruction caused by attacks on both sides, there has been a significant increase in anti-Semitism and Islamophobia throughout the world, which exacerbates the sin of racism and ignores the dignity of the human person.

As Catholics, we pray for a peaceful end to the war in Israel and Gaza, which is destroying innocent lives and devastating families, and invite all people of faith to pray and advocate for a peaceful resolution. We call for a humanitarian cease-fire, knowing that the continued fighting will not resolve the root causes of this relentless cycle of violence but, instead, sow seeds of intergenerational hatred and animosity. We also fervently pray for the immediate release of all hostages and for everyone who is suffering due to the inhumanities and violence inflicted by this war.

Peace is needed now. Accountability rather than retribution is needed now. Language that speaks of peace and reconciliation without words of violence and vengeance is needed now.

We urge a return to negotiating a two-state solution and call on the international community to reengage in active and sustained support for a just and lasting peace. We also urge the United Nations and relevant authorities to investigate all war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law committed on October 7, 2023, and beyond, as well as those committed in retaliation in the ensuing months, so that truth prevails, and accountability is ensured.

Finally, we call on all parties to fulfill the requirements for peace expressed by Pope Francis in his 2020 Peace Day statement:

“Peace and international stability are incompatible with attempts to build upon the fear of mutual destruction or the threat of total annihilation. They can be achieved only on the basis of a global ethic of solidarity and cooperation in the service of a future shaped by interdependence and shared responsibility in the whole human family of today and tomorrow.”

Spreading the Peace of Christ,

Sisters of Providence, Mother Joseph Province
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, U.S. Ontario Province Leadership Team
Sisters of St. Benedict, Lacey, WA
Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
Dominican Sisters of Adrian, MI
Dominican Sisters of Tacoma, WA
Leadership Team Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
Most Rev. Paul D. Etienne, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Seattle
Most Rev. Eusebio Elizondo, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Seattle
Most Rev. Frank Schuster, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Seattle
Most Rev. Joseph J. Tyson, Bishop of Yakima
Most Rev. Jeffrey Fleming, Bishop of Great Falls – Billings

Educating Students in Rural Peru

February 3, 2024

Sister Ana María Vilca Mamani hadn’t lived in her small hometown of La Curva, Peru for more than 20 years, but the arrival of the COVID pandemic found her there again, caring for her parents far from her usual ministries in Lima. Being in La Curva increased her awareness of local needs, especially the desperation facing poor rural families after schools shut down.

“Their children could not follow the virtual education offered by the government, and this for different reasons: not having a computer, not having the internet or not having a good connection, or simply because they don’t know how to use virtual platforms,” she said. “This reality has challenged me and from our charism as educators I have wanted to respond to this problem, providing a healthy and safe learning space.”

Sister Ana María saw that children were eager for in-person school, and knew it was important to have committed professionals teaching in a comprehensive way. In response, she created the School Reinforcement Program, which fills the educational gap until regular classes can resume.

Sister Ana Maria Vilca and students

Sister Ana Maria with her students.

Enrollment has grown to 102 boys and girls, ranging from 7 to 12 years old, during the past two years. Students come from both La Curva and the nearby town of Alto Ensenada. Juan and Guillermo, ages 7 and 9, are the first to arrive every day, always wearing smiles. Their mother had to migrate to Chile due to the public health crisis, leaving them with grandparents. The program gives them something special to look forward to, with teachers who support them in their progress.

Another child, Juan, who is 11, was unwilling at first when his mother brought him. “I proposed to Juan that he stay that day to ‘look,’ and that if he didn’t like it, he wasn’t obliged to come back,” said Sister Ana María. Juan did return and even invited friends to come, too. As an only child, it turned out that being with other children was his strongest motivation.

In the future, Sister Ana María hopes that the program can continue to reinforce learning at the primary and secondary levels, joining efforts by the local government to improve education for the next generation of Peruvian children.

Sister Ana Maria's students

Supporting Immigrant Families in Albany

January 24, 2024

In recent years, the Spanish-speaking population of Albany, NY, has been swelling, along with needs that Sister Grace R. Diaz is uniquely prepared to meet. Through her ministry as pastoral assistant at the Shrine Church of Our Lady of the Americas, Sister Grace worked with Mary Giordano and Father Frank O’Connor, the founding members of Family Promise of the Capital Region, to help immigrant families in need of affordable and safe housing.

As the daughter of immigrants from Mexico and Costa Rica who met in the U.S., Sister Grace’s first language was Spanish. Her family owned and lived in a Mexican restaurant in a then-rural area of Maryland during the ‘40s and ‘50s. That experience gave her an understanding of similarities and differences among people from different Latin American cultures, as well as the fairly typical American life of her neighbors and schoolmates.

Family Promise of the Capital Region is a community response to family homelessness that got started in 2015 with the help of faith communities, foundations, businesses and individuals. Financial support from the SNJM Ministry Grant fund has been an essential resource. Mary Giordano is now the organization’s executive director and Father O’Connor serves on the board. Sister Grace continues as an active volunteer.

Sister Grace Diaz

Sister Grace Diaz (center) spends time with community members of Family Promise.

Because she is a Sister, traumatized families quickly develop a deep level of trust that opens them to Sister Grace’s guidance. A typical situation occurred when Sister Grace and Mary Giordano orchestrated legal assistance and translation services for a single-parent homeless family from El Salvador struggling to get through the asylum application process. At the same time, the supportive housing provided by Family Promise made it possible for the family’s daughter to earn her high school diploma in 2021, a year complicated by Covid.

Sister Grace sees her ministry with immigrants in the Albany area as continuing the SNJM tradition of responding to today’s needs and meeting them as they arise. She is grateful to her family in the U.S. and Latin America and to her SNJM community who make possible the use of her homegrown and experiential gifts to welcome and reach out to “the stranger” in her community.

Advocating for Women and Children at the United Nations

January 3, 2024

In 2000, Sister Catherine Ferguson invited members of the U.S. Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) to form a coalition Non-Governmental Organization to advocate at the United Nations on behalf of women and children. In December 2001, six congregations met to develop a mission statement and budget, as well as to create the new organization’s name: UNANIMA International. The name begins with “UN” to represent the United Nations. “Anima” is from the Latin word for feminine “spirit” or “life principle.” It also represents a group acting with one heart and one mind.

Now with 22 coalition partners, UNANIMA works at the UN for structural change on behalf of women and children living in poverty, immigrants and refugees, and the welfare of our planet. At the center of its mission are women and children around the world, especially those struggling to overcome disadvantages and discrimination.

Sister Catherine Ferguson

Sister Catherine Ferguson

After more than a decade as UNANIMA’s Coalition Coordinator and five years as SNJM Congregational Leader, Sister Catherine returned to Spokane, WA. These days she continues a ministry of advocacy as Chair of the Board of NETWORK, a Catholic social justice lobby based in Washington, DC. In addition to NETWORK’s advocacy for federal policies to eliminate wealth and income gaps and to improve the well-being of our communities, leaders of the group have committed to an anti-racist focus and worked to include a diverse variety of people among its growing staff and board.

At home in Spokane, Sister Catherine is involved with The Fig Tree, an ecumenical newspaper committed to peace journalism by telling stories about people of faith. In its mission, The Fig Tree strives to support community efforts by connecting people through story-sharing that builds understanding, explores ideas, and promotes dialogue. Sister Catherine contributes as a board member and as part of the writing and editorial team that creates the monthly publication.

In all she does, Sister Catherine remains steadfast in her commitment to facilitate the cause of justice through transformative education.

More: Sister Catherine discusses the work of UNANIMA International on the SNJM’s Women on a Mission podcast. Click here to listen.

Panel Discusses Sister’s Essay on Ordination of Women

May 12, 2023

Georgetown University recently presented “Faith, Feminism and Being Unfinished: the Question of Women’s Ordination,” a panel discussion exploring a 1975 essay by Sister Anne E. Patrick (RIP) titled “A Conservative Case for the Ordination of Women.” The essay is included in Sr. Anne’s final published work, “On Being Unfinished: Collected Writings.”

The Georgetown discussion of Sr. Anne’s essay was in part a response to the October 2022 release of the Vatican synod document “Enlarge the Space of Your Tent,” which reflects a global call for inclusivity, including expanded roles for women in the church. A diverse group of theologians and thought-seekers discuss the history and future of women in the church, the intersection of gender and race in religion and a young woman headed to school for her master’s degree to become a minister shares how women religious before her expanded her perception of how she can pursue her charism.

Watch the recording of the discussion below (or here on the Youtube channel of Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs).


Catholic Sisters Week – Travel Lessons

March 14, 2023

We collect experiences throughout our lives that shape who we are and how we act in the world. For Catholic Sisters Week, we’re sharing how some of our recent travel experiences have shaped us.

“When I volunteered at refugee centers in Texas, I understood how much work we have ahead of us to guarantee a safe home, food security and healthcare for all.” – Sister Guadalupe Guajardo

“When I spent time in Peru, I admired how people looked out for one another with food, friendship… whatever was needed.” – Sister Maureen Delaney

“When we traveled to Arizona to help at a refugee center, we witnessed the incredible courage of families migrating to find a safe home.” – Sister Karen Conlin and Sister Makiko Fujiwara