May 12, 2023

Georgetown University recently presented “Faith, Feminism and Being Unfinished: the Question of Women’s Ordination,” a panel discussion exploring a 1975 essay by Sister Anne E. Patrick (RIP) titled “A Conservative Case for the Ordination of Women.” The essay is included in Sr. Anne’s final published work, “On Being Unfinished: Collected Writings.”

The Georgetown discussion of Sr. Anne’s essay was in part a response to the October 2022 release of the Vatican synod document “Enlarge the Space of Your Tent,” which reflects a global call for inclusivity, including expanded roles for women in the church. A diverse group of theologians and thought-seekers discuss the history and future of women in the church, the intersection of gender and race in religion and a young woman headed to school for her master’s degree to become a minister shares how women religious before her expanded her perception of how she can pursue her charism.

Watch the recording of the discussion below (or here on the Youtube channel of Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs).