
Charism, Mission and Values

Common Vision

What is charism? It is the gift of a shared sacred story and a common vision of God and the world.



—Lorna Cooney, SNJM


The Holy Names charism empowers people to develop and share their gifts as Jesus did: person to person, heart to heart, and with gratitude.


Our ministry, whatever it is, has to be focused on the liberation of the person in some way that is transforming.



—Kathleen Griffin, SNJM

Nothing is Impossible

We serve as [Jesus and Mary] served, with the spirit in our hearts that nothing is impossible with God.



—Celine Steinberger, SNJM

Brochure: Her Vision,
Our Mission: Legacy of
Blessed Marie Rose.


What is the SNJM charism?

Read online or download.

Video: Charism and
the SNJM
Constitutions. The
“why” of Holy Names ministries.

View Video, prayer
and reflection questions.

1. Booklets & Documents

Each Holy Names ministry’s values and mission flow from the SNJM charism. These materials, in addition to the featured items shown above, explain how.

  1. What Makes an SNJM school SNJM? 8-page booklet outlines the characteristics that make the Holy Names schools distinctive. Useful information for non-school ministries, too. Printable on 11×17 sheets of paper. Read online or download
  2. Blessed Marie Rose Introduction to the foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary and her legacy. 4 half-size pages, printable front/back on one 8.5×11 sheet of paper. View/download
  3. SNJM Staff Mission and Guiding Values. View/download
  4. Misión de SNJM para el Personal y los Valores que Guian (staff guiding values in Spanish). View/download
    2. In Their Own Words: Charism Videos

    In their own words: Video stories from the SNJM community. Sisters and lay persons from the U.S.-Ontario Province describe how the charism shapes their ministries… and lives. Running times: 3-7 minutes.

    1. Charism and the SNJM Constitutions. Holy Names Sisters on the primacy of the love of God; experiencing life’s abundance (but not on the backs of others); full development of the human person; serving in the names of Jesus and Mary; being ever hopeful for the future. 6.5 minutes
    2. Charism: a Gift to be Shared. Charism is a gift that flows from God’s love. Sharing that gift can change the life of the giver. 4.5 minutes
    3. Open to the Needs of Others: When you go somewhere new, look around and see what the needs are. Then see how you might respond to those needs. 6.5 minutes
    4. Roots of the SNJM charism 2 minutes; photos and quotes
    5. What Makes an SNJM School SNJM? People say there’s something distinctive about a Holy Names school. How do you define it? 5.5 minutes
    6. Education in the Faith happens takes place outside the classroom, too. It’s at the root of all Holy Names ministries. 6.5 minutes
    7. Art Meets Life: Three Sisters share experiences of the arts as instruments of transformation. 4.5 minutes
    8. The Arts: Medicine for the Soul. Sisters share stories about the healing power of the arts. 5.5 minutes
    9. Give your Heart Away: What if you have life’s basics, and then some? You might be motivated to share what you have. Music and photo montage of Holy Names Sisters with students and friends. 4 minutes