
Pray with Us

Prayer Services

Prayer Services can be used for your personal prayer and for group prayer. Each one is comprised of several elements: opening and closing prayers, readings, silence, petitions, suggested music, reflection questions and sharing. Associates, Lay Consecrated women and Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary developed these services based on topics that are important to us as committed women of prayer. These topics have surfaced from congregational or provincial meetings, public stands on current justice issues or human rights, our founding women and core values we hold as a congregation. We invite you to use these prayer services and hope you feel free to adapt them to suit your purpose


Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus - January 3
Raphael, Conestabile Madonna, 1504

Raphael, Conestabile Madonna, 1504

Blessed be the Holy Name of Jesus! As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, we encourage you to recall the importance of this name in our Christian sacred history and in our SNJM sacred history.

We are told that the Semites in Jesus’ time believed that a person whose name was spoken was actually present to one speaking the name with reverence and love. This belief was also held by the early Christians, including the Byzantine Eastern Christians, who during prayer synchronized their breathing with the repeated invocation of the holy name of Jesus.

This prayer resonated in the heart of Mother Marie Rose. During her final illness, the Sisters often heard her repeating the name of Jesus. A sampling of the words inscribed on the painting below, designed by her, testify to the importance Mother Marie Rose placed upon the name of Jesus throughout her life.

Upon awakening I will call upon Jesus.
To write and speak I will listen to Jesus.
I will eat my meals near my Jesus.
I will rest under the eyes of Jesus.
I wish to live and die united to Jesus.
And my heart will fall into the heart of Jesus.
I will carry my cross and follow my Jesus.

The name of Jesus was on the lips, in the heart, and in the thoughts of Mother Marie-Rose day and night!

Courtesy the Sisters of the Holy Names, Quebec Province

A Prayer for Nonviolence in Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - 3rd Monday in January

And God grant that we will continue to move on all men of goodwill,
and all those who are confronted with oppression in this world will move on with this method.
Not with the method of violence,
not with the method of retaliatory violence,
not with any method that seeks to retaliate,
but the method that seeks to redeem.

From “Thou, Dear God”: Prayers That Open Hearts and Spirits, by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Prayer for World Day of Consecrated Life – February 2


We desire God.

We desire what God desires.

We desire God’s justice, tenderness and communion.

With gratitude for all that has been and with hearts open to all that is yet to be,

we pray for companions on our journey into a future unknown and full of promise.

May your call, O God, resound deeply in the hearts of women and men who seek to walk the Gospel way

and share in the mission of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.

May they become signs and prophets of hope in a world that cries out for wholeness and holiness.

May they continue the legacy of Blessed Marie Rose through compassionate creative action and advocacy on behalf of all people

and the whole of creation.

May the desires of their hearts inspire them to proclaim

the primacy of your love through the ever-evolving witness of religious consecration, community affiliation, and ministry.

This we ask in the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.

Prayer for Easter

Prayer video for Easter

Mary Magdalene’s Easter Prayer

I never suspected


And to be so painful

To leave me weeping

With Joy

To have met you alive and smiling, outside an empty tomb

With regret

Not because I’ve lost you

But because I’ve lost you in how I had you –

In understandable, touchable, kissable, clingable flesh

Not as fully Lord, but as graspably human.

I want to cling, despite your protest

Cling to your body

Cling to your, and my clingable humanity

Cling to what we had, our past.

But I know that….if I cling

You cannot ascent and

I will be left clinging to your former self

….. unable to receive your present spirit.

Ron Rolheiser, OMI

Blessings for an abundant Easter Season!

Prayer for Pentecost
A Prayer for Earth Day - April 22

We Hold the Earth

We hold brothers and sisters who suffer from storms and droughts intensified by climate change.

We hold all species that suffer.

We hold world leaders delegated to make decisions for life.

We pray that the web of life may be mended through courageous actions to limit carbon emissions.

We pray for right actions for adaptation and mitigation to help our already suffering earth community.

We pray that love and wisdom might inspire my actions and our actions as communities. . .

so that we may, with integrity, look into the eyes of brothers and sisters and all beings and truthfully

say, we are doing our part to care for them and the future of the children.

May love transform us and our world with new steps toward life.

From, a campaign of Interfaith Power & Light

Prayer for the Beatification of the Blessed Marie Rose (May 23, 1982)

Blessed Marie Rose, obtain for us today

The audacity of Faith

The simplicity of Hope

The power of Love

That we may actualize the words of Jesus;

I have come to cast fire upon the earth,

And would that it were already kindled.

We ask this in your name and in the

Names of Jesus and Mary. Amen.

Prayer for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - August 15


My soul proclaims God’s greatness and my spirit rejoices in my savior.

For God has recognized my lowliness as handmaid.

Behold, from henceforth all generations will call me blessed

Because the Almighty has done great things for me,

The One whose name is holy,

The One whose mercy extends from generation to generation to all who live in awe of God.

God has shown strength and scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts,

Put down the powerful from their thrones,

Lifted up the lowly,

Filled the hungry with good things,

And sent the rich away empty.

God has nurtured servant Israel,

Remembering to be merciful as the Merciful One spoke to our fathers and mothers,

To Abraham and Sarah, and to their posterity forever.


Feast of the Holy Name of Mary - September 12
Click here to download a PDF: Prayer for Feast of the Holy Name of Mary

Magnificat of Justice

Magnificat of Justice

Reveal yourself, my soul,

let your deeds proclaim your identity.

Return yourself, my spirit,

restore the validity of our ancient judges.

You alone, O God, in loving kindness and compassion,

you alone try us, correct us, and clear us in judgment.

You alone restore us clean and free in your care.

Holy are you. Lit clear is your pathway.

From generation to generation

we attend the prophet’s clarion call,

“Cease to do evil, learn to do good,

seek judgment, lift up the pressed down,

consider the homeless,

plead for the women abandoned, with child.”

Hasten the time when no one will trample on the vulnerable,

when wickedness will be wholly consumed in your selective fire,

when the dominance of the arrogant will pass away.

O let us not become the oppressors.

Let us not do harm to others,

nor mar the face of your creation.

Let us not stand idly by in the blood of our neighbors

O save us from believing we understand everything.

Save us from age-old animosities and trivial solutions.

Save us from slogans and battle cries,

from dogma without dedication.

Sovereign of Justice,

kindle us with clarity, enlighten us

with memories of our own liberation.

We who are in power now, flawed by fame and fear,

help us see our twisted accusations of the other ones.

Enflame us with compassion,

fuse our lives with those whose lives are in bondage.

Refine our rage. Temper us into vessels useful and sound.

Etch upon us your design.

Help us correct our own violences,

to fix what we have broken.

Help us choose not to be stupid and naive.

Help us to forgive others when they have repented,

made repairs and changed their actions.

Help us to remember what must be remembered

and forget what must be forgotten.

Help us know the difference between them.

Then we can ask you to forgive us.

Then we may sow justice and reap mercy.

Then we may claim our promised destiny.

Then justice will roll down like water and

righteousness like a rushing river.

“Blessed are you, Holy Governor,

who values right actions and clear judgments,

who raised up Deborah and Solomon,

judges wise and mighty in days of old,

who will raise up judges wise and mighty again in our time.”

From Miryam of Jerusalem, Teacher of the Disciples, by Ann Johnson

International Day of Peace - September 21

Blessing (Franciscan Benediction)

May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships, so that we may live from deep within our hearts.

May God bless us with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of God’s creations, so that we may work for justice, freedom and peace.

May God bless us with tears to shed for those who suffer pain, rejection, hunger, and war, so that we may reach out our hands to comfort them and to turn their pain into joy.

And may God bless us with just enough foolishness to believe that we can make a difference in the world, so that we can do what others claim cannot be done.


Peace be with you!

Feast of Blessed Marie Rose - October 6

My dear Sisters
I would now like to bless you and mission you anew
To cast the fire of God’s love where you may be.

May you nurture this love daily through prayer.
May you fan the flame of prayer into action,
Courage to risk-taking, possibility to reality.

May the fire of our charism
Be tangibly present in your ministry
But especially in your heart
So that you will live it wherever you may be.

I keep you in my heart.
Do not forget my invitation to meet
In the heart of Jesus,
For it is there that I make my dwelling and where,
If you choose, we shall never be parted.

I wish you abounding joy in our God
Your Sister, Marie-Rose

 Adapted from the words of Blessed Marie Rose Durocher

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

God, source and giver of all things,
we give you thanks on this Thanksgiving
Day for the beauty of the whole of creation.

We give you thanks for the blessings
of family and friends: both those
gathered around this table and those
who are present only in our hearts.

We give you thanks for this food,
prepared by loving hands,
and for the graces you provide to nourish
our bodies, minds and hearts
so that we might better serve you.

Help us to be faithful stewards
of all that has been given us.
May we reflect that which we have
received to all we meet, especially the less
fortunate in our midst.

From Glenmary Home Missioners

Season of Thanksgiving Prayer

from the Province Leadership Team

O extravagant God,
In this ripening, thanksgiving time,
Waken in us a sense of joy
In just being alive.

Joy in the sun and rain
Joy in the beating of a thousand wings
Joy in remembering community times
Joy in the taste of bread and wine
And all we will eat on Thanksgiving Day
Joy in having each other to hold and cry and laugh with
Joy in love, in you and that all at first and last is grace.

Prayers for Advent and Christmas

In these short videos, Sisters of the Holy Names read prayers for each Sunday of the Advent and Christmas seasons.

First Sunday of Advent

Second Sunday of Advent

Third Sunday of Advent

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Feast of the Holy Family

Feast of the Epiphany

Baptism of the Lord

Prayer for Comprehensive Immigration Reform In the United States

 “For I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

Mt. 25: 35

God, you who always journey with us,

and especially with our most vulnerable sisters and brothers,

we pray for those who have come to our land

in search of security and work,

in search of a better life for themselves and their families:

Grant them acceptance, respect, and a path to citizenship.

Spirit of Wisdom, give our leaders the courage to act with compassion. We ask this in the names of Jesus and Mary.


Adapted from The School Sisters of Notre Dame, Atlantic-Midwest Province

Prayer for Peace

Philippians 4:4-7
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (NIV)

Sometimes words are not enough
to express the language of our hearts,
sometimes minds are filled
with prayers without expression.

Sometimes there are not enough
spare moments in each day,
sometimes regret is all
we have as our confession.

Sometimes faith is not enough
but in the presence of your peace,
sometimes prayer can be
a quiet conversation.

Sometimes words are not enough
to express the anguish on our hearts,
sometimes prayers are answered
that remain unspoken.

Copyright © John Birch, 2016

Prayer for Peace in Israel and Palestine

As faith rooted people, we give witness to our belief that peace among people of all faiths and communities is possible.

As faith rooted people, we believe that peace among Palestinians and Israelis is possible.

We affirm the process of truth and reconciliation to achieve this goal.

As faith rooted people, we lament the loss of innocent life, especially the children who are victim to political and religious violence. Every child is a member of the human family which we embrace.

We pray for the safety and freedom of all people who suffer the horrors of war, incarceration, loss of land and livelihood and physical violence.

No more rockets, guns or missiles shall be fired; no more tanks shall destroy land and homes.

No more loss of life shall occur. No more calls for revenge shall be uttered.

In this time of violence, we call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire.

We also call for an end to Israel’s military occupation of Palestine, which we view as the root cause of the violence.

As people of faith, we place our trust, not in military might, but in The Creator’s desire for acts of loving kindness and the pursuit of restorative justice as the true pathway to peace and security for all people. May Israelis and Palestinians create wahat al salaam, neve shalom, an oasis of peace in the Middle East. And may peace spread upon the land.

From Rabbi Lynn, founder of Shomer Shalom Network for Jewish Nonviolence


Believe in your dreams.

Believe in today.

Believe that you are loved.

Believe you make a difference.

Believe we can build a better world.

Believe when others might not.

Believe there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Believe that you may be that light for someone else.

Believe that the best is yet to be.

We believe in you!

-Kobi Yamada

Holidays & Liturgical Seasons
  1. Advent Week 1: “Advent: What are you waiting for?” A charism moment. View/download
  2. Advent Week 2: “In Shadow as Well as Light.” By Catholic Relief Services. View/download
  3. Advent Week 3: “Let us remember we join others in our country, who like Christians, are in prayer…” View/download
  4. Advent Week 4, A Charism Moment: View/download
  5. Easter Prayer: “The great gift of Easter is hope…” View/download
  6. Epiphany, For Those Who Have Far to Travel: By Jan L. Richardson. View/download
  7. Explanation of the liturgical year. View/download
Mission & Values
  1. Contemplation in Action: Excerpts from the SNJM Constitutions and prayer: By Hermance Baril, SNJM. View/download
  2. A Prayer for our SNJM Mission, Charism, Values: A group prayer of thanksgiving for SNJM values. View/download
  3. Adventure with the Spirit: Prayer for the 34th General Chapter, 2016. “Give us a daring spirit. Fill us with hope.” View/download
  4. The Call to Hospitality: Prayer based on Matthew 25-36, 40: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” View/download
  5. Stewardship: The call to be stewards of education, faith, justice and leadership. View/download
  6. We lift up our hearts to you in gratitude, O God: View/download
  7. Education in the Faith: Reflection and prayer with user’s guide. View/download
  8. Full Development of the Human Person: Prayer, readings, reflection/sharing. With user’s guide. View/download
  9. Hospitality: Reflection/sharing, reading, listening/singing, prayer. With user’s guide. View/download
  10. Immigration/Spirituality of Welcoming: Open Wide Our Doors. By Claire Durocher, SNJM. A prayer based on the 34th General Chapter Acts.View/download
  11. Jesus: Prayer, discussion, further steps. With user’s guide. View/download
Blessed Marie Rose
  1. A Life in Pictures: Icon, vignettes, text exploring the life of Blessed Marie Rose from childhood on. Icon by Joan Brand-Landkamer; images courtesy of St. James Cathedral, Seattle, WA. View/download
    To download a version that can be printed out on both sides of 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper, then folded and stapled, click here.
  2. Blessed Marie Rose reflection and discussion. View/download.
  3. Enkindle the Fire of Your Love: Prayer, discussion about the passage from the Gospel of Luke, which was a favorite of Blessed Marie Rose. View/download
  4. Eulalie Poem and Artwork: By Bernadette Carlson, SNJM.“I loved you first hearing how you rode your horse and remembering my summer pony…” View/download
  5. Eulalie Prayer: By Jeannine Larocque, SNJM Associate. “Eulalie: The quality of your visit to the poor and the sick draws me to prayer. You teach me so about welcoming others and being other-centered…” View/download
  6. Ever Alive, Marie Rose: By Simone Perras, SNJM. “What remains of you is more than a body worn out by service, more than bones polished by hears of wear and tear…” View/download
  7. I Came to Bring Fire to the Earth: Reflection questions on Luke 12:49, “I have come to cast fire…” View/download
  8. In the Spirit of Marie Rose Durocher Yesterday and Today: Quotes and reflection questions about seeing Marie Rose’’s spirituality alive today. View/download
  9. Mary Prayer: Reflection and leader’s guide. “As Sisters… we have a great love for the person and name of Mary. We invite you to reflect and pray with us around the holy name of Mary.” View/download
  10. My Mother’s Passion (for Eulalie): By Joan Christine Von Bank, SNJM. “Be careful of my mother. She looks in that photo, kind of static, as though love were et cetera. But my mother has a passion…” View/download
  11. Spark of God, Spirit of Life: Group prayer using multiple readings invoking images of fire, light and love. View/download
  12. The Power of a Dream Unfolding: Brief prayer and reflection questions focusing on God’s dream planted in the heart of Mother Marie Rose. View/download
  13. They are Here Among Us (Reflections in the Foundation House): By Marian Ruth Christensen, SNJM. Dedicated to Mother Marie Rose, Mother Madeline, Mother Agnes, Mother Veronica of the Crucifix and Mother Teresa of Jesus. View/download
Justice & Corporate Stands
Most prayers include reflection/discussion questions, suggestions for further steps and a user’s guide.

  1. Contemplation in Action: View/download
  2. Dedication to Children: View/download
  3. Dedication to Justice: View/download
  4. Dedication to Women: View/download
  5. Commitment to Liberating Action: View/download
  6. Service to People who are Poor or Marginalized: View/download
  7. The Crime against Humanity (Corporate stand on human trafficking): View/download
  8. Immigration/Spirituality of Welcoming: Open Wide Our Doors. By Claire Durocher, SNJM. A prayer based on the 34th General Chapter Acts.View/download
Prayers for Meetings
  1. As We Gather Together: “In the name of our God who shares divinity with us. In the name of our God who shares humanity with us. In the name of our God who unsettles and inspires us, let us give praise and thanks, amen…” View/download
  2. A Request for Wisdom: Prayer based on Wisdom 7:22-30. “Holy Father, allow me to be still, allow me to be silent, allow me to listen, allow sweet Wisdom to knock upon my door…” View/download
  3. To Begin our Meeting: Offering thanks our Creator “for this opportunity to be here, working together to enrich our common goal…” View/download


  1. Commissioning Ceremony: Reading from Sirach 6:32-37. “May we discover wisdom…” View/download
  2. Blessings for a Commissioning Service: Based on key values of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. View/download
  3. Commissioning Prayer: Reflection/prayer on carrying on the SNJM legacy. View/download
  4. Commitment Prayer: Sending us forth in a blaze of commitment. Refrain: Become God’s Fire. View/download
Stewardship Prayer