Senior Jubilarians
Our Senior Jubilarians celebrate milestones as Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary for 80, 75, 70 and 60 years from First Profession.
2023 Senior Jubilarians
70 Years
Frances Barber, SNJM
Sister Frances (S. Patricia Mary) first taught in SNJM elementary schools in Florida. On an invitation from another Sister, she moved to Appalachia in southwest Virginia. A life-changing time for her, she experienced the lives of the people of the region working for a time as an apple picker and in a sewing factory. Eventually, she was hired as a literacy teacher at a men’s prison where she could contribute her teaching skills to help the men accomplish educational goals. In 2013 Frankie retired to Silver Spring, MD, where she is involved with the Mid-Atlantic Coalition Against Modern Slavery, working to eliminate human trafficking through prayer, education and advocacy.

Aileen Carissimi, SNJM
Sister Aileen (M. Louise Christine) has always been keenly interested in global studies and issues of social justice. With an MA in history, Aileen taught in SNJM secondary schools in California for 35 years encouraging in her students a love of history and a sense of justice. She lived her values, from protesting at the School of the Americas to learning Spanish for her cross-cultural ministry in Nicaragua to teaching ESL. Additionally, Aileen spent 15 years working in the SNJM Office of Finance. Always a passionate justice advocate, patient teacher and lover of gardening, Aileen lives in Campbell, CA.

Mary Frederick Coyne, SNJM
For many years Sister Mary Frederick had a long fruitful career in elementary education, serving over 30 of those years as principal of St. Thomas the Apostle elementary school in Delmar, NY. While there, she was well known for her strength of leadership, her compassion and her sense of camaraderie. She brought these same gifts later to her ministry in St. Thomas parish as the pastoral care person. Mary Frederick now serves as a hospice volunteer as well as a regular visitor to hospitals and nursing homes in the Albany, NY, area where she lives.
Jean Gent, SNJM
A welcoming person with a warm smile, Sister Jean (M. Constance Jeanne) is part of the SNJM community of hospitality greeting visitors at the “Faculty House,” a guest facility for Sisters on the Marylhurst campus in Oregon. Jean brought this same warmth and welcome to the classroom as a primary teacher and as principal of St. Matthew’s, Hillsboro and St. Stephen’s, Portland, and as the director of Maria Court, a former adult senior living facility in West Linn. Over the years Jean has also had a long involvement with the Associate Program to which she remains deeply committed and lends her gracious presence.

Noël Girard, SNJ
Talented in art and music, Sister Noël (M. James Paul) spent over 40 years teaching in elementary and secondary schools in California. Her music recitals, better described as extravaganzas, opened many artistic and musical doors to her students. Blessed with a zest for life, a celebratory nature, and a commitment to family, friends and SNJM community, she has given of her talents in countless ways to many family festivities and SNJM rituals and liturgical events. A volunteer in the Development office of Oakland’s Holy Names High School, Noël resides in San Leandro, CA.

Maureen Hussey, SNJM
Sister Maureen (M. Rose Kathleen) once said “part of the story of life is growing” which speaks to Maureen’s generous spirit of adaptability. From a novitiate for an English-speaking Ontario girl in a pre-dominantly French-speaking Montreal Community to her leadership on the team reconfiguring the SNJM English-speaking provinces into one, she has been an exemplary model of adaptability. Over her ministry life, Maureen has been a teacher, a principal, a pastoral minister and an SNJM provincial and administrative leader. Recently moving to Devonshire Senior Residence in Windsor, ON, she continues her life journey with seven SNJMs and the many male and female residents there.
Antoinette Janisse, SNJM
There is a special something about Sister Antoinette (Antoine-Marie) that draws one to her. Now retired, she describes her ministry today as prayer and presence. Both qualities define her life as a religious. She brought them to everything from elementary teacher to provincial of Lesotho, Africa. Also gifted by her presence, welcoming heart and listening ear were clientele of The Well-Centre for Spirituality in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, attendants at parish missions she preached in both Canada and the U.S., and the many refugees she aided. Antoinette continues to radiate her warm smile and openness to others in Windsor where she lives.

Sheila McEvoy, SNJM
Astute and energetic, Sister Sheila (Mary Josepha) had responsibilities in education as an elementary teacher, principal and Assistant Superintendent of Schools for Spokane Diocese. Her strategic visioning and administrative skills led to her selection as Washington Provincial and later President of Fort Wright College, Spokane. Other ministries included Director of the National Association of Church Personnel Administrators and the Sabbatical Program in Ministry, Boston College. Always committed to fostering spiritual depth in others, she was director of Immaculate Heart Retreat House, Spokane and the SEEL program. A spiritual director over many years, Sheila lives in Lake Oswego, OR.

Beverly Miles, SNJM
Sister Beverly spent her entire religious life in music. As she directs a choir, one sees her joy in blending voices into a beautiful sound. For over 30 years, Beverly taught piano, voice and choir at Star of Sea, Astoria, Oregon; Holy Names, Seattle and St. Mary’s Academy, Portland. She later directed choirs in two Portland-area parishes. It was a special moment when Beverly came full circle to cantor and direct singing at Holy Names Chapel, Marylhurst, having as a young Sister directed the novitiate choir in the very same chapel. Beverly, who lives in Portland, continues every day with the fullness of music in her life.

Helen Sandoz, SNJM (RIP)
From an early age Sister Helen (M. Julie Anne) was enthralled with music and that enthusiasm marks her years as a Sister. Accomplished in piano and all strings, Helen taught students of every age – the very young to retirees – and was a pivotal energy for over 35 years in the music department at Holy Redeemer grade school, Portland. She lent her expertise to numerous Young Musicians Summer Camps and to several local churches, orchestras and ensembles. On retiring, she became a music minister at Holy Names Chapel, Marylhurst. To this day, many a party enjoys the vibrant sounds of Helen at the piano.

Permelia (Alice) Weaver, SNJM
Sister Permelia (M. Alice Margaret), better known by her religious name “Sister Alice” taught primary students in California. In 1961, as part of an SNJM ministry, she left for Arequipa, Peru, where she taught bilingual classes to first graders. Returning to California, she taught another 19 years before moving to Oregon, where she had the privilege of caring for her mother for 15 years. Earning a media/library assistant credential, she served as Holy Redeemer School Librarian and volunteered at Portland Community College and Multnomah County Libraries. With a deep interest in the spirituality of nature, Alice lives in Lake Oswego, OR.

Frances Wink, SNJM
The presence of God has been the driving force for Sister Frances (Germaine Mary). Frances pursued degrees in theology and scripture. Whether as a teacher in high school or working with adults in parish settings or as a spiritual director, Frances found joy in assisting in the spiritual growth and faith development of others. After many years in Washington, Frances returned to Oregon serving as co-director of SNJM lay consecrated members. She finds God in the persons she meets, in nature and in the everyday experiences in life. Above all she tries to love. Frances lives in Lake Oswego, OR.

Jeanette Wood, SNJM
Sister Jeanette’s (M. Mildred Jean) face brightens when she talks about music and her years as a teacher and mentor to the tiniest of future musicians. With lifelong enthusiasm and personal talent (violin) in music, she taught both classroom music and private students in SNJM grade schools. In 1970 she joined the faculty of Marylhurst College, later becoming director of the Preparatory Music Program specializing in the creative and imaginative strategies of the Suzuki method. Jeanette, who lives in Lake Oswego, leads the Oregon Chamber Ensemble, a group of Sisters and Associates who play for SNJM liturgies and celebrations.
60 Years

Barbara Boudreau, SNJM
Barbara (Sister Augustine Mary) got to know SNJMs at St. Andrew High School in Pasadena, CA. After entering, she spent 10 years teaching in elementary and high school before moving into parish ministry. She says, “I loved to play with the children in elementary but I think I was better at teaching adults.” Barbara also spent several years in community service as Novice Director and in California province leadership. She later worked as Religious Services Coordinator at Holy Cross Cemetery/Mortuary using her gifts to assist families in grief and planning services for loved ones. Barbara is now retired and living in Los Gatos, CA.

Kathleen Griffin, SNJM
Kathleen (Sister Noreen Mary), who lives in Silver Spring, MD, has been dedicated to education, social concerns, pastoral care, planning/development and provincial leadership during her years as a Holy Names Sister. “My heart, O Lord, is filled with joy… Such is the note of Jubilee!” she says. “For faithfully lifting me up and carrying me throughout these 60 years, O Holy One, I give you praise and thanks. To everyone you have gifted me with during these wonderful years I offer prayers of thanksgiving: SNJMs, family, colleagues and friends. Blessed be God forever!”

Sally Gunn, SNJM
Sally Gunn, SNJM (Sister Susan Roberta) grew up in Northern California, but joyfully ministered in Southern California for 38 years, first as a junior high teacher, facilitating student council groups and cheering on school teams. In 1986, she shifted to parish ministry, journeying with RCIA, liturgy, family-oriented programs and a wonderful group of colleagues and parishioners. During this time, Sally was enriched as well by two other commitments, pursuing an M.A. in Adult Christian Community Development from Regis University in Denver and serving on many province and congregational committees. She feels blessed to have formed friendships with so many Sisters and Associates throughout our world. Sally finally left for Northern California in 2000, serving on the final leadership group before our merge into the U.S.-Ontario Province. She now lives at Merrill Gardens in Campbell, CA, where she enjoys the opportunities to reach out to people, treasuring new friends and staying connected with those at a distance.

Carol Hallmeyer, SNJM
Sister Carol Hallmeyer loves music, art and nature. She has composed some songs, painted watercolors, created greeting cards and made pottery. Presently living at Merrill Gardens in Campbell, CA, Carol has had a full and varied life.
During her +60 years as a Sister of the Holy Names, Carol has been involved in various ministries. She began as an elementary school teacher, working with children in second, third, fourth and fifth grades in both Northern and Southern California.
The year 1979 was a pivotal year in her life. After her parents died within a month of each other, Carol spent a year at Emmanuel House, our former House of Prayer in Los Gatos, CA. She then moved into the convent at Los Gatos where she served as liturgy coordinator, continued her ministry as secretary to Sister Michaeline Mary Falvey and continued weekly retreat work at the Villa. After a time of discernment regarding contemplative life, Carol experienced a deep sense of call to continue living and growing as an SNJM.
After this time, Carol served as Program Coordinator for a non-profit organization, Freewheelers Association, which provided bus outings for residents of Laguna Honda Hospital in San Francisco.
Carol began her years of parish ministry at St. Raymond’s in Menlo Park as Parish Sister with various liturgical and catechetical responsibilities. During this time, she joined the Pastoral Ministries Program at Santa Clara University and received her master’s degree in Catechetics in 1990. In July 1990, she moved to San Bernardino, CA, where she served as Pastoral Associate at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral Parish for three years. She later served as receptionist at Divine Word Retreat Center in Riverside, where she was responsible for reservations and bookkeeping.
After serving for two years as Secretary II for both the Office for Religious and the Pastoral Services Office at the Diocesan Pastoral Center in San Bernardino, Carol ministered for six months at Precious Blood Parish in Banning where she had a combined parish and school contract.
After some time to regroup, Carol returned to teaching at two Catholic Schools in the San Bernardino Diocese and for six years as a substitute teacher in the San Bernardino Unified School District. She also coordinated the Retirement Fund for Religious for eight years for the San Bernardino Diocese and coordinated the RCIA Adapted to Children of Catechetical Age at Our Lady of the Rosary.

Margaret Kennedy, SNJM
Margaret (Sister M. Margaret Eleanor) began her SNJM ministry as a religion and English teacher in four parish junior highs and in three high schools. She also served as principal at St. Bede School in Hayward, CA. These experiences plus facilitation and leadership workshops prepared her for both province and Congregational leadership positions. In 1994 she co-founded Oakland’s Next Step Learning Center, where youth and adults can restart their interrupted education with an individually designed program toward a diploma or career. When the California “motherhouse” was no longer adequate for retired members, she co-coordinated relocation and reorientation of Sisters to independent/assisted living or skilled care residences. Margaret lives in Alameda, CA, and continues roles of service in the community, particularly as a member of SNJM Educational Ministries.

Mary Pat LeRoy, SNJM
Sister Mary Pat learned the importance of planning as an educator/administrator in Oakland, followed by six years as a provincial team member. Later she partnered with facilitators, developing team leadership for religious congregations, especially in Southern Africa. After her election as Congregational Leader in 1996 she resided in Quebec and enjoyed working with teams and committees. Her many travels provided experiences of the pastoral presence of Sisters and affiliates though the Congregation. The 2004 ceremonial transfer of Mother Rose’s remains to the Longueuil Cathedral was truly a deeply spiritual moment. After a sabbatical she returned to facilitation, joined the Board of Trustees at Holy Names University and coordinated four years of planning for future retirement care needs of Sisters in the California area.

Patricia Parachini, SNJM
Sister Pat (Sister Rose Elaine) joined the Sisters of the Holy Names after graduating from Marymount College in Tarrytown, NY. From 1963 through 1971, Pat taught elementary and middle school in Delmar, NY, Tampa, FL, and Silver Spring, MD, then taught theology for two years at AHN in Silver Spring. From 1973 to the present, Pat’s ministries have included two years in Kyoto, Japan at a catechetical center, campus ministry at Union College, teaching courses in preaching, pastoral theology and spiritual direction at graduate schools of ministry, including St. Mary’s Seminary and University, C.U.A., W.T.U and Loyola University in Baltimore. For nine years, Pat worked with the Paulist Formation community in D.C. as a spiritual director and a formation advisor. She served as the Chaplain for Pediatric Intensive Care, Pediatric Oncology and NICU for six years at Georgetown U. Hospital and also worked as a spiritual integrator at St. Luke Institute for religious and priests. Pat has served on several SNJM committees: General Formation Committee, the Justice Colloquium Committee and the Confluence Committee. From the mid-70s to the present, Pat has been engaged as a spiritual director, a retreat director and workshop presenter, including workshops on the relationship of spirituality and healthcare for the Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC) in Cyprus. Pat has authored two published books on lay preaching and has written numerous articles for publication.

Barbara Spears, SNJM
Sister Barbara (Sister Mary Alphonsa) was born and raised in Charlottesville, VA. She began religious life as an Oblate Sister of Providence (the oldest African American Congregation of Women Religious). She taught in elementary and secondary schools in Maryland, South Carolina, Louisiana, Michigan and the District of Columbia. She also served as principal of elementary and secondary schools as well as president of a secondary school and Superintendent of Schools for 10 years before retiring. She has been involved in civil rights and justice work most of her life. She is a past President of the National Black Sisters Conference and a member of several Boards and an NGO at the United Nations. She is presently Chair of the African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) and resides in Leisure World of Maryland.