

1859: 12 Sisters ventured from Quebec to Portland, Oregon to found St. Mary's Academy. SNJM Archives, U.S.-Ontario

1904: Senior class, Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa, Florida. Academy archives

1953: Residents of Christie home for children pray at the Marylhurst, Oregon grotto. SNJM Archives, U.S.-Ontario

1971: Holy Names College in Oakland, California becomes a university and goes co-ed. California archival records

Current, Seattle, Washington: Blessing new SNJM Associates. Photo files, U.S.-Ontario Province

Downloadable (including Blessed Marie Rose information)

  1. Blessed Marie Rose: A Life in Pictures (and quotes): Icon and vignettes by Joan Brand-Landkamer introduce the life of Blessed Marie Rose. Text from contemporaries and biographers describes each scene. Includes reflection questions. View online. Download a PDF to print on 8.5×11 paper and fold into a booklet.
  2. Overview: SNJM timeline featuring photos and examples of how the SNJM mission has evolved during more than 175 years. Years at the bottom of each page link to the pages for those dates. View/download
  3. Biography, Blessed Marie Rose 4 half-sheet pages, can be printed on front and back of one 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. View/download
  4. Biographical panel: Blessed Marie Rose From the U.S.-Ontario Province Archives. View/download
  5. Brief biography: Mother Marie Rose by P. Dempsey. View/download
  6. Brochure: Her Vision, Our Mission (Blessed Marie Rose). 4 half-sheet pages, can be printed front/back on one 8.5×11 sheet of paper. View/download
  7. Blessed Marie Rose reflection and discussion questionsView/download
  8. Blessed Marie Rose Reflections by Jean Cather, SNJM. View/download
  9. Sayings of Blessed Marie RoseView/download
  10. Mother Marie-Madeline Céré, SNJM, biography. View/download
  11. Mother Marie-Agnes Dufresne, SNJM, biography. View/download
  12. Portrait Gallery of Blessed Marie Rose and Foundresses. View/download

Fire Upon the Earth: the Legacy of the Sisters of the Holy Names. 9 minutes. View video