
Corporate Stands

Corporate Stand on Migrants and Refugees (2017)

The Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary stand in solidarity with the more than 240 million people who live outside of their country of birth as migrants and refugees and with the many others who are displaced within their country of origin. We also recognize that many of these persons live in situations where their human rights are violated. We, the members of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, guided by faith and our charism, stand with migrants and refugees and in support of human rights. We call for all nations, and most particularly those where there is an SNJM presence, to enforce the implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for all migrants and refugees throughout the world.

We commit to educate, collaborate and advocate for the implementation of these rights.

  1. We will educate ourselves and others regarding the magnitude, causes and consequences of the situation of migrants and refugees wherever we are missioned and in the light of events throughout the world.
  2. We will also educate ourselves and others about the violations of the human rights of migrants and refugees.
  3. We will collaborate with organizations with similar values to the SNJM charism in our respective areas of ministry to determine and implement actions to improve the situation of migrants and refugees.
  4. We will collaborate with others to establish or will ourselves establish welcoming communities in those regions where we live.
  5. Through our NGO affiliations, Development and Peace (Canada), Transformation Resource Centre (Lesotho), and UNANIMA International (the United Nations), the SNJM Justice and Peace Network and our other justice groups, alone and in collaboration with other religious congregations, advocacy groups and nongovernmental organizations, will advocate for policies and programs that address the lack of human rights for immigrants and refugees in countries of origin, transit and destination, particularly in regions where we are located.


Corporate Stand on Water as a Human Right and Public Good (2008)

The Sisters and Associates of the Congregation of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary affirm that:

  • Water is a sacred gift that connects all life.
  • Access to clean water is a basic human right.
  • The value of the earth’s freshwater to the common good takes priority over any possible commercial value.
  • Freshwater is a shared legacy, a public trust and a collective responsibility.

Therefore, we support actions and policies that:

  • Ensure universal access to sufficient, affordable, safe water for all people, especially the most vulnerable.
  • Protect freshwater as a sustainable, renewable resource.
  • Implement the objectives of the UN Millennium Goals on water.

We oppose actions and policies that:

  • Endanger the world’s supply of freshwater.
  • Deprive humans and other species access to adequate, safe water essential for life.
  • Favor the privatization of water as a commodity to be bought and sold for profit when in reality it is a heritage we all hold in common.


Corporate Stand Against Trafficking in Women and Children (2004)

The Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary stand in support of human rights by opposing the trafficking in women and children for purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor.

We will educate ourselves and others regarding the magnitude, causes and consequences of this abuse, both wherever we are missioned and throughout the world. Through our NGO affiliates, the SNJM Justice and Peace Network and our other justice efforts, alone and in collaboration with other religious congregations, advocacy groups and nongovernmental organizations, we will advocate for policies and programs that address the prevention of trafficking or provide alternatives to women and children in danger of being trafficked.