Sister Catherine Grams, SNJM
Sister Mary Michaelann
November 24, 1926 – July 13, 2017
Sister Catherine Grams, SNJM departed this life on July 13, 2017 at Marie Rose Center, Mary’s Woods, in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Sister Catherine had celebrated 90 years of life and 70 years of religious profession.

Sister Constance Lovcik, SNJM
Sister Constanza Marion
May 22, 1925 – May 28, 2017
Sister Contance Lovcik, SNJM departed this life on May 28, 2017 at Marie Rose Center, Mary’s Woods, in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Sister Constance had celebrated 92 years of life and 72 years of religious profession.

Sister Mary Berchmans Trentacoste, SNJM
Sister Rosalie Trentacoste
March 16, 1931 – April 15, 2017
Sister Mary Berchmans Trentacoste, SNJM departed this life on April 15, 2017 at Our Lady of Fatima, Saratoga, California. Sister Mary Berchmans celebrated 86 years of life and 61 years of her religious profession.

Sister Marion Patrick Connors, SNJM
Sister Lillian Connors
January 25, 1934 – April 14, 2017
Sister Marion Patrick Connors, SNJM departed this life on April 14, 2017 at Good Samaritan Hospital, San Jose, California. Sister Marion Patrick celebrated 83 years of life and 64 years of her religious profession.

Sister Mary Patricia Baxter, SNJM
Sister Mary Emmetria
September 19, 1926 – March 23, 2017
Sister Mary Patricia Baxter, SNJM departed this life on March 23, 2017 at Marie Rose Center, Mary’s Woods in Lake Oswego, OR. Sister Pat celebrated 90 years of life and 70 years of religious profession.

Sister Patricia Daly, SNJM
Sister Isabel Mary
March 15, 1927 – March 18, 2017
Sister Pat Daly, SNJM departed this life March 18, 2017, in Spokane, Washington. Sister Pat celebrated 90 years of life and 69 years of religious profession.