The Path Towards Community

At a time when the future of religious life has become increasingly uncertain, stories of young discerners like Julia Sauter stand out.

As a woman in her 20s, busy with graduate school…

Faith Statement on Escalating Violence with Iran

As people of faith, we condemn the United States’ dangerous aggression towards Iran, including the assassination of Gen. Qassem Soleimani and the deployment of additional troops to the region.

New Year’s Resolutions from the Sisters

Set them, forget them or regret them: At one time or another, we’ve all made New Year’s resolutions. As we say farewell to 2019, we asked the Sisters, Associates and Lay Consecrated women in the SNJM community to share their intentions – both light-hearted and serious – for the year to come.

Hospitality Brings Hope at Rose Haven

Like many other U.S. cities, Portland, OR is facing a housing crisis. Amid the dark clouds of homelessness, there exists a light of hope and help…