Set them, forget them or regret them: At one time or another, we’ve all made New Year’s resolutions. As we say farewell to 2019, we asked the Sisters, Associates and Lay Consecrated women in the SNJM community to share their intentions – some light-hearted, some serious – for the year to come.
I will strive to live the PRESENT MOMENT with gratitude and joy!
Sister Molly Neville (California)
My resolutions are to reduce my paper use by 25% and add 25% more prayer to my day.
Sister Margaret Kennedy (Oregon)
This year I will try to be as perfect as Sister Cathy Leamy. This is my resolution.
Sister Gloria Drouillard (Ontario)
My New Year’s resolution is to spend 20 minutes to a half an hour at least 4 times per week practicing on my piano!
Sarah Lucier (Associate and Lay Consecrated, Ontario)
During 2020, I resolve to conserve electricity by removing energy-sucking cords from outlets when appliances are not in use.
Sister Joan Maiers (Oregon)
Ann Regan’s resolution is that screen time notification of games and social networking on the community-issued iPad will be less than “other” because other includes my morning meditation emails!!!
Sister Ann Regan (Florida)
A daily act of human kindness, in person, by text, by email or by phone call – one a day in 2020.
Marilyn Mackinnon (Associate, California)
Practice self-love. Notice beauty, self, others, creation. Expect uncertainty. Read 30 minutes a day. Focus on one thing at a time. Don’t miss the good things that are happening.
Sister Janet Walton (New York)
I resolve to put energy in my step! And have a welcoming way.
Sister Lydia Nikolaisen (Washington)
A tad more time for prayer and reading and little less time for eating! Sprinkled into the mix, time for some walking.
Shannon Lenet (Associate, New York)
My New Year’s resolution is to pick up where I left off in my line dancing class – still very klutzy but it’s good exercise and fun!
Sister Judy Ryan (Washington)
Keep in mind: Always be kind.
Sister Mary Annette Dworshak (Washington)
To find peace in present moments rather than entering into worry about future moments.
Therese Fenzl (Associate and Lay Consecrated, California)
My 2020 resolution: No more procrastinating!
Patricia Boroughs (Associate, California)
I often joke that New Year’s resolutions go in one year and out the other. For 2020, I plan on sharpening my listening skills, and to try to be a better listener. No more “in one ear and out the other!”
Rita Jacques (Associate, Ontario)
My resolution is more long walks and a little less sitting around watching Judge Judy.
Sandy Vroman (Lay Consecrated, Oregon)
My goal is to exercise every day and to be grateful for each moment.
Sister Lucinda Peightal (Oregon)
In the spirit and practice of living sustainably, I will wash and reuse re-sealable bags!
Sister Jo’Ann De Quattro (California)
I resolve to pray for the President … sincerely.
Judy Killion (Associate, Washington)
My resolution is to respond to personal e-mails promptly. You’re the first! Happy New Year!!!
Sister Joan Dixon (Washington)