Bob Harold and Liz Harold King. After raising her children, Liz spent 30 years working in law offices, the last 15 in the political realm of Washington D.C. She and her husband, Ron Coffman, make their home in Annapolis, MD.
The Harold family has a long history with the Sisters of the Holy Names. Robert and Frances Harold and their children Liz, Bob and Jim made their home in Pasadena, CA. The children were taught by the Sisters at Saints Felicitas and Perpetua School in San Marino during the 1950s and 60s. “I was a very shy child and was in awe of the Sisters in those early years. They produced such amazing things from those pockets of theirs,” says Liz.
Sister Mary Claudine Peacock taught Liz in the eighth grade. “She was tough on us, preparing us for the high school days ahead. As a result, I was always trying to avoid her. But to my horror, my mother and S. Mary Claudine became fast friends. Mom’s volunteer work on Hot Dog Thursdays just exacerbated the problem.” Liz believes that this deep friendship later motivated her mother to convert to Catholicism.
“Looking back, I realize what excellent role models they were. So many had stories to tell, stories of courage and sacrifice. They faced these challenges with a light heart and a pragmatic point of view. It has given me strength and deepened my faith. I have a perspective learned from their example as I face my own challenges.”

Bob Harold (on the far right) loved Sister Gabriel, who would drive a bus and pick up preschoolers for the Sisters’ summer Garden School.
When Bob moved to Portland, Oregon, he rekindled his relationship with the Sisters at St. Mary’s Academy, where he has served as an advisor and board member for more than 27 years.
An astute businessman who served as CFO at Nike, Bob advised his parents on how to achieve their retirement goals. “IRAs are very efficient as retirement vehicles to provide income, but rather inefficient if left in one’s estate, meaning that the beneficiaries will be taxed at their full earnings rate at the time of their withdrawal. Therefore, if there is a desire to make charitable gifts as an aspect of one’s estate planning, using an IRA is a good way to go.”
Following Bob’s advice, Robert and Frances asked their children to choose the beneficiaries of their IRAs. Liz chose the Sisters. “There was never any question in my mind where that IRA benefit would go,” says Liz. “We have all appreciated what the Sisters have done for us these many years. In fact, we will never forget it. This gift allowed us to assist them to continue their good work into the future.”
After his parents passed, Bob saw firsthand the positive results of their decision regarding their IRAs. Soon after, Bob and his wife Sue included the Sisters as beneficiaries of one of their own IRAs. “Giving back to the Sisters of the Holy Names is easy. They have given so much for so many, it’s the very least we can do. Liz, Jim and I will be forever grateful to our parents for selecting a Holy Names school for us.”