Pam Wood, Associate

Associate Report to Chapter

Province Chapter, July 14, 2013


Here is what you can expect over the next 70 minutes: we will share what has happened in our Associate sessions, and will have a panel of Associates share from their personal experiences with Association. We will then give you some table discussion time with 2 Associate-related questions, and finally invite you to share in the large group any feedback or questions you might have.

Following Thursday afternoon’s presentation of Evolving Associate Trends and information on the Associate Coordinating Committee, the Associates met for their first session under the guidance of Anne Scott, to discuss Our Call to Live the SNJM Charism.

The 38 Associates present, led by Margaret Ann Kennedy, No. Calif, and Helen Janisse, Windsor, began with a ribbon ritual…symbolizing our individual selves coming together and joined to make a strongly linked group, drawn by the charism of Mother Marie-Rose.

Each Associate shared what speaks to her now about her call to live the SNJM charism, including:

…my association has stretched my spirituality well beyond what I expected

…all expressing their attraction to the charism of Mother Marie-Rose

…how will younger people be attracted to SNJM Association?

…what am I inviting them to?

…we need structure for how to inform and invite

…we need to do charism education with young people, then invite

…our living the charism well may be the only way someone experiences the SNJM charism

There was discussion as some had misunderstood that the “trends” presentation made earlier was defining the SNJM current reality, when this was truly about general trends of multiple congregations and their Associate programs. After this lively discussion, one Associate noted that the opening ritual that day had noted that our first leadership had questions and concerns; however they kept moving forward with faith and courage even into the unknown.

The 2011 Chapter Acts include a section entitled “Initiatives for Living Interdependence” that includes:

The Congregational Leadership Team will also encourage Associates to network across the Provinces and Sector.

Friday morning, we U.S.-Ontario Associates met via video conference call with Associates Gina Hoe, Kitty Kelly, Chris Butterill from Manitoba, Vita Lewis & Josee Lareau from Quebec, joined by Stephanie Lynott, one of the newest Associates from U.S.-Ontario, to share their stories of what originally attracted them to SNJM Association, and how they are currently living the charism today.

Kitty in Manitoba taught in SNJM schools; this experience planted the seed of her current love of Mother Marie-Rose. Chris was attracted to the strong sense of spirituality of the Associates and was very attracted to Association following her trip to Longueuil. Gina noted that she always felt the kindness of the Holy Names sisters and now feels the charism affects all that she (and we) do.

In Quebec, Vita taught in SNJM schools for 35 years before retiring. She loves square dancing and has brought young people from the confirmation preparation class to learn square dancing. They now visit retirement homes to dance for the elders there…sharing the joy of the charism. Josee Lareau has worked in the Congregational Administration in Longueuil for 19 years. The charism had taken root early and continues to grow within her. When a young child in her extended family became ill with cancer, Josee prayed for the child and the family; these prayers have also given her strength to provide support for the family. Josee said she no longer feels alone…and that WE are not alone.

Stephanie Lynott from Los Gatos came from a large family whose home connected to the Sisters’ property there and she attended school there. She has been continuously linked to SNJMs and felt this is the life for me. The continuum of connection and attraction to the charism has been raised to a higher level with her Associate commitment. Stephanie feels a new job for Associates is to educate others jabout the charism and continue to share the charism with others.

Despite some minor technical glitches, all participants enjoyed virtually meeting each other and felt this enhanced their feelings of interconnectedness with the entire congregation. Later on Friday afternoon Anne received the following emails:

“A warmhearted thank-you to all who were at the video conference in person or in spirit. Mother Mary-Rose would have been proud. To welcome people into your home is difficult when there are so many but with modern technology it was made possible.
Hip hip hourray for the SNJM!”
vita 🙂

“What an experience! Thank you to all who participated and helped organize the event.
I felt I was with you.”

North American Conference of Associates & Religious (NACAR) update from Kathy Herrington…Biannual meetings, including leadership development; Oct 2013 meeting will be on sponsorship between Associates & Sisters including finances, organizational models, future planning, mission statements and more. See NACAR website for more info. Questions re other Associates/Orders and their organization models.

This morning our meeting focused on Where Do We Go From Here.

Eileen Ramos, (No Calif) and (Cecilia Chavez), Yakima facilitated our discussion on the following two questions:

What can we, as Associates, do to create an environment which allows us to share our gifts with community?

Environment is open and welcoming already; how can we invite (an encouragement) more Associates into conversation; meet one-on-one sometimes;

Personal, local environment: what do you do as an Associate that reflects the charism and your gifts, how you use your voice; share the charism inspiration with those with whom we minister. Your example may be what attracts others.

Definition of charism in the Pilgrimage of the Heart with Mother Marie-Rose is very usable; implement Associate formation; Practical application of our gifts; join with the Sisters in their Corporate Stands; specific goals, timelines & report back to Sisters & Associates; enhanced communication, technology for remote locations enable …dialog in conversations Assoc to Assoc & Assoc Sister & Sister Assoc; consider using skype; financial concerns for the future…define process & plan so we can concentrate more on ministry and mission;

What can we, as Associates, do to strengthen the bonds within our community to enrich our shared experiences?

Prayer Ministry as defined by an Associate who recently passed away:

“I am still discerning just what a prayer ministry is in my setting. In a nursing home, prayers are called for as a constant reminder of how much we all need God’s hand. So many people — each needing such thoughtful, individualized help.

Quiet-centered prayer is impossible here during the day. I have explored every nook and cranny in this regard. This being my prayer – reality now – I have over the last 5 years, learned concentration and focus to the extent that this formerly easily distracted person can now shut out sounds and pressures when needed.

“Pleasurable” prayer happens after 11:00 pm – when our door is shut – my roommate asleep – the air cleared of sounds. Lovely time. The quiet in life is to be cherished. The Lord can, of course, break through any sonorous barrier – but being in the quiet with the Spirit is calming and invigorating.”

We would now like to let you hear first-hand from our panel of two U.S.-Ontario Associates, Pat Boroughs and Mary Hansen, who will address the following question: From your perspective, how is your call to being an SNJM Associate an expression of the charism.

11:05 Having heard from Pat and Mary, and our report on our previous discussions, we would like to give you an opportunity at your table groups to share on the following questions:

1) What gives you hope from what you have heard this morning or over the last few days from our Associates?

2) What growth in interdependence among our Associates would you like to see by our 2015 Province Chapter?

You will have 20-minutes for your discussion, after which we will open the mic’s for your feedback and or questions.