Health & Well-Being Meeting Focuses on Balance
“Keeping Our Balance” was the theme for the 11th Annual Health & Well-Being team meeting Nov. 14-16 at the Province office in Marylhurst, OR. Thirty-two employees and Sisters from across the Province gathered to share gratitude for each other and the resources of the Province dedicated to Health & Well-Being, learn about new areas of practice, reflect on our strengths and “just be” together. The days included experiences in praying and sharing on the themes of “Wisdom Figures in Our Lives” and “Welcoming Refugees and Immigrants.” During an intensive afternoon with Cordula Dick-Muehlke, Ph.D., participants grew in knowledge and understanding of others “Coping With Cognitive Changes.” Dr. Lesley Otto presented a helpful session on “Pelvic Floor Problems in Women.” An hour of armchair yoga balanced another day. Free evenings of socializing together were enjoyed by all. Participants left enriched and grateful for our time together.