Beatification of Father Solanus Casey

Top row L-R: Helen Petrimoulx, SNJM, Anne Bosserman, SNJM, Emma Bezaire, SNJM, Lucille Breault, SNJM and Sylvia Grey, SNJM.
Bottom row L-R: Suzanne Malette, SNJM, Anne Herkenrath, SNJM, Maureen Delaney, SNJM and Claire Durocher, SNJM.
The Beatification of Fr. Solanus Casey took place on Nov. 18 at Ford Field in Detroit. The 60,000-seat stadium added 6,000 seats on the field for cardinals, bishops, clergy, capuchins, family and VIPs. Cardinal Amato, the Prefect of the Congregation of Saints at the Vatican, was the celebrant. Nearly 350 family members of Fr. Solanus attended. Anne Herkenrath, SNJM (Seattle) described the event as “the most amazing experience of my life.” Sr. Anne was in the offertory procession and Anne Bosserman, SNJM (Spokane) represented the SNJMs by reading one of the Intercessions. The SNJM presence also included six Windsor Sisters and Maureen Delaney, SNJM (PLT). The procession included a woman from Panama born with a genetic skin disease, whose healing was verified as a miracle by Pope Francis. The Mass and Beatification can be watched on YouTube by clicking on the green button below. (Please be aware that the video begins with a slideshow and interviews. The celebration begins about 36 minutes into the video.)