August 26, 2016

In the photo (L-R): Sisters Mary Breiling (PLT), Peggy Kennedy, Margaret Kennedy (PLT), Mary Ellen Holohan, Province CFO Vicki Cummings, Maureen Delaney (PLT) and Cathy Beckley.
Organizations they visited included:
- Newberg Head Start.
- Maria Louisa Home Ownership Program (named after SNJM Sister Mary Louis Volk, RIP, who ministered to the Latino community in Cornelius for many years).
- Horizon Homeowners Cooperative, a manufactured home park. With CASA’s assistance, this park is now owned by the residents.
- Villa Del Sol, an affordable housing project for farm worker families.
- Virginia Garcia Medical Clinic, which serves primarily farm workers.
During the visit, the executive director of CASA expressed appreciation for the loan and acknowledged SNJM as a collaborator in support of these successful projects, largely assisting farm worker families and other immigrants.