December 1, 2017
Beatification of Father Solanus Casey
The Beatification of Fr. Solanus Casey took place on Nov. 18 at Ford Field in Detroit. The 60,000-seat stadium added 6,000 seats on the field for cardinals, bishops, clergy, capuchins, family and VIPs. Cardinal Amato, the Prefect of the Congregation of Saints at the Vatican, was the celebrant. Nearly 350 family members of Fr. Solanus attended. Anne Herkenrath, SNJM (Seattle) described the event as “the most amazing experience of my life.” Sr. Anne was in the offertory procession and Anne Bosserman, SNJM (Spokane) represented the SNJMs by reading one of the Intercessions. The SNJM presence also included six Windsor Sisters and Maureen Delaney, SNJM (PLT). The procession included a woman from Panama born with a genetic skin disease, whose healing was verified as a miracle by Pope Francis. The Mass and Beatification can be watched on YouTube by clicking on the green button below. (Please be aware that the video begins with a slideshow and interviews. The celebration begins about 36 minutes into the video.)
Health & Well-Being Meeting Focuses on Balance
“Keeping Our Balance” was the theme for the 11th Annual Health & Well-Being team meeting Nov. 14-16 at the Province office in Marylhurst, OR. Thirty-two employees and Sisters from across the Province gathered to share gratitude for each other and the resources of the Province dedicated to Health & Well-Being, learn about new areas of practice, reflect on our strengths and “just be” together. The days included experiences in praying and sharing on the themes of “Wisdom Figures in Our Lives” and “Welcoming Refugees and Immigrants.” During an intensive afternoon with Cordula Dick-Muehlke, Ph.D., participants grew in knowledge and understanding of others “Coping With Cognitive Changes.” Dr. Lesley Otto presented a helpful session on “Pelvic Floor Problems in Women.” An hour of armchair yoga balanced another day. Free evenings of socializing together were enjoyed by all. Participants left enriched and grateful for our time together.
PLT Urges Catholic Senators to Reject Tax Bill
With an important vote looming on proposed tax legislation, the Province Leadership Team sent letters to all Catholics in the U.S. Senate on Nov. 20 asking them to oppose actions that hurt low-income and middle-class citizens. The letter reminded the lawmakers that the proposed tax bill would primarily benefit very wealthy individuals and big corporations, while jeopardizing the health coverage of an estimated 13 million Americans. “We ask you to please heed Jesus’ words to us that ‘whatsoever you do to the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do also to me,'” the letter said. “We are asking for your moral leadership in not approving this tax bill that would eventually be so detrimental to so many millions of people.”
Two Seattle Sisters Share Refugee Concerns with Bishop
On Nov. 20, Teresa Shields, SNJM and Linda Riggers, SNJM (both Seattle) visited with Seattle Auxiliary Bishop Eusebio Elizondo to share with him SNJM interest and advocacy on behalf of migrants and refugees and to learn more about Archdiocesan initiatives. They were invited to accompany Holy Names Academy parent Colleen Evans, who made the appointment to speak about her interest in bringing an art display to Seattle to help build compassion for migrants and refugees.
Jonestown Thanksgiving Celebration
In Jonestown, MS over Thanksgiving weekend, Kay Burton, SNJM (Tampa) gathered with Sisters from Mound Bayou, Shaw, Durant, Sumner (Tutwiler) and Jonestown, along with guests from Houston and San Antonio, TX. The gathering was a time of visiting, eating and prayer.
HNU Students Protest at Border
Students from Holy Names University in Oakland, CA drove to Arizona to participate in the SOA Watch Border Encuentro in Nogales, AZ and Nogales, Mexico from Nov. 9-11. They joined many citizens on both sides of the wall to protest the militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border. They were also able to dialogue with those on the other side of the wall.
Toppenish Food Bank Celebration
On Nov. 19, members of the various churches in Toppenish, WA gathered at the parish hall of St. Aloysius Catholic Church to celebrate the Food Bank of Toppenish. Every year this gathering takes place at a different church in order to raise money and food for the Food Bank. Three SNJM Associates have prominent roles in this event and in the work of the Food Bank. Cecilia Chavez, Associate (Yakima) is the director of the Food Bank, Janie Ibarra-Vijarro, Associate (Yakima) represents the Catholic Church on the board and Teodora Martinez-Chavez, Associate (Yakima) represents the SNJM community on the board.
The Spiritual Ministries Network has developed a new template for prayer services inspired by the Acts of the General Chapter. The first prayer service, which ties into the Advent season, was prepared by Elizabeth Liebert, SNJM (East Bay) and is titled “Listen to the Heartbeat of God.”
Click here to download the prayer service.